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Description of Bug: Text overflows onto the next line if close to the border and the inventory menu is open. (It's also not a bug that particularly matters/impacts much, but I figured I'd put it up here for posterity!)
Reproduction Steps:

  1.  Have a text element (paper or sign) with text spanning near to the edge.
  2.  View it without your inventory open. It should read normally.
  3.  View it with your inventory and text near the border will be forced onto the next line.

Error message (if applicable): N/A, but if you're using CSS/HTML or something similar, this would be an issue due to styling in the inventory container element. The margin that's set for the inventory container is either wider than the boundary of the container or there's an external margin on the inventory container element (both will 'push' text onto another line in other containers).

If you're not using CCS/HTML, ignore!

Screenshots: Video.

GM Ethos
