GM Ethos

  • Increased the amount of scrap metal that you get out of items, so that you can always be assured of getting as much scrap metal as you put ingots into it; you should no longer be able to scrap items with metal in them and receive nothing back unless they are items produced in a stack, and you scrap less than the full stack you'd get from crafting them. So feel free to scrap all your unwanted or broken items without worrying about wasting metal.
  • Accordingly, it now takes 4 scrap metal to produce an ingot, instead of 1. Scrap metal has been reduced in size to accommodate this, however a stack of 4 scrap metal now weighs more than an equivalent ingot would.
  • The scrap return on coins has been improved to match the above. If you scrap in a multiple of 4 you'll get as much scrap metal back out as you put ingots in.
  • Went through the database and quadrupled existing stores of scrap metal so that players who already had some not processed into ingots would not lose out on material.
  • Crit failing climbing a tree now consumes Stamina in addition to HP.
  • New characters now start with the Rested buff.
  • Fixed a bug where receiving a message prompted by logging out would crash the client.
  • Fixed a bug where looking at world objects like the library crystal would crash the client.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to mentor someone would crash their client.

  • Fixed charging crystals not using your Crystal Magic skill to prevent shatter on failure, even though channeling them did. Instead, it was simply shattering the crystal on a critical failure like charging fire crystals; meaning a flat 20% chance (or 40% if you're Bumbling). Now it's properly based on your Crystal Magic skill level and the crystal charge.
  • Made charging non-quartz items scale difficulty a little slower than channeled quartz crystals.
  • Fixed putting herb powders in sacks.

  • Overhauled the Empower spell: rather than adding power to jewelry, it instead sets the power of the jewelry to the maximum that the crystal used can infuse, based on its charge. If the crystal can infuse more than the gem can contain, it will make the jewelry last longer at maximum power before beginning to fade. This should encourage green mages to use their best crystals to empower jewelry.
  • Fixed a visual bug where a crystal would be removed from your inventory, if available, when you shattered one you were holding.
  • Removed the limit of 1 item per deposit box slot, don't remember why that was there