GM Ethos

  • I'm testing out a rebalance for Scrounging and Mining; previously, as you scrounged and mined a type of item, it would apply a stacking penalty to your skill which capped your ability to gather that type of item. This would slowly tick down over time, encouraging you to take a break and roleplay or whatever and hard capping how much someone could pull in, since we know player time is not an especially valuable resource (no offense).
  • I've removed this penalty system and, in its place, added something I've been workshopping for a bit, which is that spots take time to respawn now. Previously, again, when you exhausted a spot and it disappeared, a new one instantly spawned somewhere on the map. This is no longer the case. Exhaustively scrounging and mining will exhaust the map of resources, for everyone, which will replenish slowly over time.
  • To offset this a bit, I've reduced the amount by which scrounging from a spot will shorten that spot's lifespan, so that a spot can theoretically be shared between more people, since you can only scrounge from it once. I'll be keeping an eye on the effects of this and how it affects people's scrounging behaviors; the penalties might make a comeback if returns prove to be excessive, but I'm optimistic in the long run that the "global cap" will serve the same purpose as the individual cap did.
  • The mining areas probably all need to be redesigned again to bring them up to speed with how the mining spawns have changed, but I'm going to save that for after the new tileset when we'll have more fine-grain control of spawns. As a stopgap I've tweaked the spawns in more "valuable" zones so that more spots hopefully spawn there.
  • Fixed Sway dispelling itself immediately because having someone Swayed counted as attacking them, which dispels the Sway.
  • Adjusted the scaling on Teleport/Summon so that you'll actually need higher charge crystals now.
  • Fixed practice weapons not breaking.
  • Okay, back to work on new content. Bye!