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Yes, negative traits!

There's a lot of great options currently in the character creator for buffing your character with great perks and stats. Obviously, the trade-off is having to balance it with negatives. However, I'd actually like to see more negative options to choose from that can still balance a character, while still letting a player enjoy how their character functions, even with detrimental traits. As such, I've compiled a list of suggestions that I think could add some more variation.

  • Weak Stomach

Functions as an alternative choice to Highborn and Ascetic. Your character can eat uncooked food, but has a chance to gain a negative condition such as ones applied via Skullduggery. (Dizziness, weakness, etc) Has a lower chance to apply when eating cooked food.

  • Hypoglycemia

Another food-related choice. Going below a certain threshold of hunger, probably somewhere between 25%-30%, causes your character to experience one (or several, potentially getting worse the lower it dips below the threshold marker) of these effects: clumsiness, reduced vision range, tiredness, and the user's text scrambling.

  • Thin Blood

Even at the littlest scuffs, your blood has never coagulated very well. When your character is injured, being wounded, scarred, and/or bleeding lasts longer.

  • Slow Healing

Your wounds just never heal right. Your character regains health at a much slower rate. This one could potentially be fused into Thin Blood, but has the potential to work as its own trait as well.

  • Bad Luck

You've never really been the luckiest critter... Your character takes longer to recover from negative effects, such as ones caused by orange magic, black magic, and skullduggery, while positive effects last a shorter time, such as potions, medicine, and several beneficial magics.

  • Hallucinations

Your mind plays tricks on you. Your character may see critters, items, or hear the chat sound when they aren't actually there. (Functionally, not sure how difficult it would be to code this one.)

  • Old Injury

An old injury flares up whenever you put too much stress on yourself. Causes the character to be much slower at a lower overburdened inventory threshold than normal.

  • Bottomless Stomach

Your character cannot gain overfed or overquenched (aside from the initial spawn.) Alternatively, if you want to make this trait more daunting, it could prevent characters from gaining the satiated hunger or satiated thirst perks.

  • Carpal Tunnel

Doing too many actions that require usage of your paws in quick succession may cause your character to take damage. This can include all sorts of crafting to combat.

  • Narcolepsy

Your character may randomly fall asleep for a few seconds - Even at the worst possible time.

  • Soft-Spoken

Opposite of Hearing Loss. Other players may not be able to hear you speak if you aren't close enough to them.

  • Squeamish

This one honestly has the potential to be kinda funny... Seeing a character with wounds/bleeding, or being afflicted with wounds/bleeding may cause your character to pass out briefly.

I'm sure I'll come up with more eventually which I'll add to this in post.


I remember also discussing a Semiliterate trait in the Discord (Lighter than illiterate, you can read but your writing becomes scrambled.)

Riley Orchid

I (The player) jokingly remember bringing up this as a trait concept on the discord when alcohol was discussed. I would actually run this trait if it existed.

  • Lightweight
Your critter is a lightweight, and cannot handle their alcohol at all. They have the lowest possible alcohol tolerance, and potentially suffer from it's effects far more then other critters.

Generally an evil idea, but having a random food allergy as a negative trait would be a gamble I would willingly take. I don't think this should, if considered, stack with herbivore considering the relative ease of them getting a wide variety of food options.


Oh I love negative traits.

  • Weak Grip

All items that are not worn or in a worn container count as double the weight and encumberance. This includes weapons/tools. (-3?)

  • Careless

All symbols look the same to you. Meaning coins, tabards, hanging signs, etc. Dunno how hard this would be to code, but it would be interesting. Note my intention is for colors and materials to appear the same, so a gold coin would be gold regardless of the face, or lack of one. (-2?)

  • One Handed

Pretty self explanitory, the character only has use of one hand. Biggest concern is of course it basically being free for crafter/scroungers, but any combat characters or cooks (pesting+dagger) would be handicapped pretty strongly. (-4?)

  • Jumbled Hearing

Can't really think of a good name for this one, but occasionally missing words said entirely. For me this happens more the louder/more agitated someone is, but it'd be fun to see regardless. (-2)

  • Patchy Pelt

Your bare skin isn't built to feel the sun. Slowly take damage while outside on a sunny day.


Maybe frequent headaches? Characters can already get headaches through skulldiggery pretty sure.

Maybe 1-2 points? Don't know how bad it is


Symptomatic Empath

Your character is particularly sensitive to the woes of others. Gradual mind drain if you're around a character with less than 35% health or 5% hunger.

Selective Mutisim

Your character experiences periods of non-verbal communication and may freeze up around crowds. Variation on Mute, I'm thinking it triggers if your character is in a burrow with a crowd of five or more critters? There is a random chance you can't move your character sprite if exposed to a crowd for too long. And the mute period lasts for a variable amount of time after the crowd clears or you leave the burrow.

  • Directionless

You're bad with directions. Location names and burrow names (aside from your own) do not display. Maps (if they are ever added!) cannot be read properly.

  • Restless

The rested buff does not last as long, and you must sleep more often. You must also sleep for longer than normal to get the buff. Potentially also causes the skill penalty from lacking rested to be more severe.

  • Light Packer

You can carry less items on you. Encumbrance hard capped to be on the lower end, potentially around 5 items. (Alternative to Old Injury previously suggested.)

  • Aloof

Prone to losing things. Random chance to drop an item that isn't worn or held in an equip slot.

  • Tunnel Vision

Alternative to Blind and Poor Vision. Character has limited vision in their peripheries and can only clearly see things in their direct line of sight. (Vision appears as a cone shape that changes according to where the player looks. Not sure if the game's lighting model would allow this?)