I often find myself far afield, arms weighed down by various objects. I'd like to arrange for the purchase or creation of containers to somewhat ease my burden. I am in possession of twenty-six cordweed, twenty-nine tangle blossoms, and eleven bramble leaves. I am not sure what goes into the creation of a bag, nor the benefits of any particular bag over any other, but I hope these can ease the burden of crafting at least somewhat.
I cannot provide any services in return and I only possess two whits in coin. However, I have a large amount of other scrounge, including logs, clay, tree sap, waxberries, and various edible scrounge, among others, which I hope to trade to you for the service. (If you would like a large quantity of this scrounge, please note that I will need to bring it to you very slowly or across multiple trips).
My over-burdened arms thank you in advance.