Far East where few dare to tread, an outpost emerges hidden deep within Ravenwoods... Here lurk those on the fringes of society - those who have few other places to go. To arrive on your own is to be a treacherous task to gain trust of the inhabitants. Arrive with an insider, however, and find yourself appraised by a grizzled cross fox...
He carves quartz at a table, intense red eyes sizing you up. Another low screech of claw against quartz hits your ears. He doesn't look away from you as a prismatic crystal emerges in his paws.
"From which side of Jyra-Tul's scale do you hail?"
Bandits, thieves, and so on, rejoice! A safe place has emerged - run by a cross fox going by Dusk. Nohr Outpost will be a safe haven for those on the run from society; so long as the Pantheon is respected. Whilst barren at the moment this outpost already has many inhabitants awaiting opening day. With the burrow now open you are hereby invited to join us on the outskirts.
Few rules and regulations will be imposed beyond contributions to the outpost. After all, it will take teamwork to build it into a force to be reckoned with.
I am also active in the Discord - please feel free to send a message to reigningmonarch (Reign) at any time! I am happy to arrange recruitments here or there. Organic recruitments are also possible. He is oft found by the crystal or in the tavern at the moment. Post will be updated if this changes.