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Come join the usual band of farwoodsian misfits at usual playtest times for the grand tourney!
In an attempt to stave off some of the current inactivity, Fennai, London, and whatever other critters are interested... Will be organizing a five stage event!
Located in roundtable as a main gathering area, activities will be taking place all across Morenth.

Despite being primarily a tournament, most of the introductory activities can be joined by critters proficient in a diverse range of skills.

Discipline 1 - Rock trove.
- Up to 10 critters from those nominated can pick out a random selection of 30+ rocks. A stonesetter will set them out in the open at the main event location. Whichever critter gets the most value out of their rock pile later will win for their excellent perception. A note will hint at their origin. Each critter will be allowed to make a choice, if the same pile is chosen, critters roll to determine the pile owner.

Participants: Riley - Sebastian (Also helps set) - Song - Harris - Sessha - Uso - Molly

Prize : Whatever the rocks yield!

Discipline 2 - Weasel race.
- As many weasels as are available will be made to race against one another. 

Participants:  Cher - Chisel - Floris (pending) - Scout (pending) - Chase (pending)

Prize : A whole bundle of cookies!

Discipline 3 - Treasure hunt.
- Two areas will be saturated with a large number of hidden tin coins. Whoever finds the most of them wins! Any critter can participate.

Participants: Riley - Sebastian - Krajok - Song - Uso - Quarrel - Some critter in Sciurric? Help?

Prize : A potion cache!

Discipline 4 - Potion roulette.
- The fighters of the tournament will be invited to drink a random potion corresponding to a dice roll. May contain bad effects!

Discipline 5 - Fighting tournament.
- A double elimination tournament. Losers are placed within a lower bracket and have a chance to end up higher bracket again. Lose two fights and you're out!

Participants: Thorn - Arsene - Uso - Harris

Rules :
- No potions (other than the potion roulette! This includes poisoned blades)
- No enchanted equipment.
- No magic or magical enhancements.
- No heavy armor.

Prizes :
3rd place - 1 drake, 1 pie, copper helmet
2nd place - 2 drakes, 1 pie, copper chestpiece
1st place - 2 drakes, 1 pie, custom enchanted silver weapon

Sponsors are welcome to contribute to the prizepool of any discipline as a means to advertise their goods and services!

Sponsor list :
- London
- Fennai

Participant list :

Uso - 1st (applicant) 3rd 4th 5th

Song - 3rd 4th (applicant? Will see if there's potion leftovers)

Harris 4th & 5th (applicant. Talk to Fennai about this ic)

Feel free to respond to the thread which discipline you'd wish to enter. You can request nomination for multiple. Disciplines with limited spots will be determined closer to the date. Anyone is free to sign up as a fighter, but critters will be vetted in as so far as they at least have a non training weapon. (With demonstration of skill versus a dummy for paw fighters)


I would like to participate in the first, third, fourth, and obviously fifth discipline.


I'd like to do the first, third and fourth. I can also help gather rocks if a miner wishes to help (I obviously will still need to not know which piles are from where)

What size will the rocks be also? Normal, large, huge? Anyways I'm execied to at least try the first one! (I have vague knowledge of what areas = what ores/other things they yield from hauling)


Harris would be very happy for the treasure hunt! :D

Harris may also participate in 4 + 5 if it helps round out the bracket. (I just think it could be funny especially depending on what potion he gets)


I'll participate in #1!

Arsene Sergei

I wish to participate in the 5th discipline!.. I long for a good fight!

And.. the fourth..