GM Ethos

All relevant portions of the Code of Conduct apply.

Any coalition of critters within the MUD is considered a faction. There are no formal systems governing factions. Their organizational structures can be whatever you want them to be. Their membership is whatever people in the faction agree upon. Generally, factions are formed around some goal and membership in them is conditioned upon the continued pursuit of that goal. This space is designed for faction runners to define their factions and advertise for members, and for players to discuss those factions and their activities.

This is an OOC forum. Please do not roleplay your character here. Discussions in this forum are considered meta-knowledge. However, you may use this forum to recruit members to your faction or arrange faction events in the game. These are in-character actions, but their knowledge should not extend further than the people who they involve.

When you recruit a faction member here, you should agree beforehand on the canon in-character details of their recruitment if you do not roleplay them in the game. For someone creating a new character specifically to join a faction, this may involve defining their backstory and how they came to join the faction. If the character already exists, this may simply be giving them directions to your faction's base of operations and discussing why they would go there. As an example, two characters may discuss in a faction thread how their characters meet; this information is canon, but a third character may not reference it unless they learn about it in the game or the two agree that they should be aware of it.

You may also use this forum to arrange events. Players have varying schedules, and scheduling events for set dates and times can help as many members of the faction to be present for them as possible. As examples, two factions which are at war may discuss times during which they will be patrolling their territory and making incursions into the others', to maximize the potential for characters to meet each other and interact; or, they might plan out a large battle ahead of time, deciding on a place and time and setting stakes, so that the fight can involve as many people as possible.

Do not create throwaway characters to post "anonymously." If you create characters for the sole purpose of avoiding tying a character that anybody knows to your posts, your account may be disciplined.

Exercise good judgment regarding metagaming when it comes to reading this forum. IC topics may be freely discussed here, but you are expected not to bring them into the game unless everyone involved has agreed upon it.