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Quarrel was taken aback by the critter's anger. Wasn't that what xey wanted? To vilify them for using violence, or something? Yell at them for not understanding what xey wanted? 

What was it Gaius had said? Something about giving xem what xey wanted? Critters were always either stupidly complicated, or remarkably simple. It was exhausting to have to navigate every decision so carefully, but they couldn't trust xem to be reasonable. Speak and they hate you. Don't speak and they still hate you. 

They already said their peace, so they didn't see a reason to say it again. Whether they were wrong or not was irrelevant. It was done, and they didn't regret it. They didn't understand why Arachnis was fine with sometimes healing them, but they'd respect that in the future. In fact, they had every intention of not being seen by xem again. That was always a good solution.

Still, the tears bothered xem. Why were xey so upset after clearly establishing a boundary? And now xey didn't want to be separated? 

The cat was frustrated and confused, but they knew that distressing xem further wouldn't do anything good. Maybe it was time to heed his advice like they were planning to do before their plan went awry. They closed the distance between them and somewhat awkwardly hugged their sibling. The flinch made them hurt a little. They couldn't imagine hurting such an unfathomably helpless whelp. Or why xey truly believed they'd do so.

"You're not making any sense."


It was so very frustrating to constantly have to try and guess with xeir biased mind. Xey hated that. Xeir mind always lied to xem and xey knew it - so why couldn't Quarrel just speak to xem? It was unreasonable to xem not to communicate. Arachnis was trying xeir best - but that relied on Quarrel as well.

The moment xeir sibling moved forward, though, xey couldn't stop the instinctive flinch. The violence was fresh on xeir mind and xey had just exploded upon the priest. Past experiences meant there was fear xey couldn't quell.

But all that happened was a hug. Awkward as it was, xey melted into xeir sibling's arms with a soft sob, holding onto xeir cloak as xey tried to dry xeir traitorous eyes. The words caught xem off guard, however. What didn't make any sense? Arachnis sniffled, and decided to try keeping them speaking.

"What doesn't make any sense...?"

Oh, dear. A better question would have been what did, apparently!

Arachnis took a deep breath. Okay. That was - definitely better than what they'd said before. Xey leaned xeir head against Quarrel for a moment before pulling back to look up at them. "Instead of letting it fester, please, tell me when I don't make sense. It just leads to - to frustration and problems and absolute bullshit! So, let's just talk about it. One by one. What do you want me to explain first?"


Quarrel was surprised at how quickly Arachnis reciprocated the hug. And how much xey were crying...

The cat's yellow eyes narrow at the marten's request. They debated arguing that they had tried to communicate, but they tempered that response. Maybe xey just communicated differently, and they would have to learn that. Gods, it would be such a pain to tell that fox he was right. With a soft exhale they began to process their grievances.

They guessed the white magic would be the simplest to start with. It was most recent, and if they were being honest, the one that affected them the least. They rarely had help before. Why would they expect help now?

Their ears flicked back while they anticipated the critters reaction, but their tail curled around xeir body. They knew they could leave easily now that xey had moved away, yet Quarrel didn't want to. Maybe figuring this out could help them in the future, if they chose to endure it. 

They quietly murmured a prayer to Silvanus.

"Well, you said that you didn't want me asking you to heal anyone. It seemed pretty obvious that also included me. So it doesn't make sense that you suddenly changed your mind about it, regardless of how the injury happened."


This had to be the way forward. There was a reason the two were having issues communicating - and this told xem why. 

Listening to the long list of things that weren't understood made xem realize a crucial flaw. Quarrel hardly understood a thing xey did. No wonder there were issues brewing. Tiredly, xey ran a paw over xeir face, and sighed. Time to start clarifying, one step at a time...

The tail curling around spoke of keeping xem surprisingly close. So Arachnis didn't move back further as xey anticipated might be wanted. No, xey stood before them, wringing xeir paws with nerves that threatened to overtake xem as xey listened. And... Quarrel had heard what they wanted to hear, it seemed. The marten rubbed xeir face in exasperation.

"Not... That's not what I said, Quarrel. What I asked of you was more specific. I wanted you to stop harming critters and asking me to heal them. The emphasis is on critters you had harmed yourself. It doesn't include healing you, or in cases like Sepulcher. I never changed my mind on that. Think of it this way. Harm by your hand to another means I will not heal the wounds. Harm done to you or to others not caused by you, I will heal."

Xey looked at them, trying to gauge the understanding behind those stark yellow eyes. Was this explanation getting through? Maybe...

"What I refuse to heal is damage caused by you only. It feels like you could use me as an excuse as to why you can hurt others with minimal backlash. It makes me fear that you will find it alright to harm me one day all because you know I will heal the damage. I'm not saying I'm right," Arachnis put up xeir paws slowly in a placating manner. "That is what my mind - one that has experienced such things before - thinks on instinct. I'd much prefer to continue being wrong. I like being wrong because I expect the worst every time. Are you understanding more?"


Quarrel felt nervous after clarifying. They were expecting the usual remark about them being stupid, or a more general dismissal of their understanding. It wasn't that they weren't listening, it just seemed like the mage contradicted xemself.

Of course the marten didn't say that directly, but xey were frustrated with them, and that was enough to confirm it. They could've pointed out how the explanation was extremely binary - what if they accidentally stabbed someone - but critters tended to only get more upset if you asked questions like that. The core of it they could comprehend. Xey didn't want to get involved.

... or maybe that wasn't it? Gods why were xey so nervous about being injured by them? Oh. Well now they just felt bad. They could relate to assuming the worst, or always anticipating that someone else would hurt them. Wasn't that what they were doing right now?

They could never look at that fox again at this rate, and they had to come up with some offering to give Velyra. This was always harder than just hissing at whatever issue sprung up.

The cat crossed their arms but nodded. Finally recognising all of this didn't make them feel any better, but they supposed they now knew where the line was. And that was comforting to them.


With any luck, Quarrel would understand. Xeir frustration waned as xey realized this was purely a communication problem. One that, with some care and speaking, could be better resolved.

Arachnis searched the reaction for anything xey could read. Xey couldn't, though, and xey had to try and accept what little was communicated after the explanation. Xey hunched in on xemselves slightly, glancing to the stained floor, wondering what else could be said. But finally - finally - they nodded and gave an insight to their mindset. "Alright. So you understand that better now. Let's move onto another. What's the next thing you don't understand or has upset you?"

The next part was... reasonable. It could have been seen that way. Arachnis' tail flicked in thought.

"I yelled because I was upset and frustrated. Not only did you barge into my room with a fox you severely injured - you expected me to heal him without issue. I didn't take sides. I was scared and upset. That is why I yelled. And when I realized I was being unfair to you, I left to cool my head. Think back to the point I just made, about my rules for healing. It calls back to that. I took my own side." Xeir ears flicked back to flatten lightly.

It was selfish. So very selfish. 

"Because again, I don't like healing those you harm because of my fears. I am a creature of great fear, Quarrel, because I have learned that my fear protects me and keeps me alive. And now it is not as helpful as it once was. I too am learning. Trust is hard for me. So until I learn, I will be fearfully selfish, protecting myself first." Arachnis shook xeir head with a small sniffle. It was such a hard thing to admit that xey weren't a naturally kind critter. No, xey were selfish, and an abject coward. Xey knew that much.

So xey paused to control the tears that threatened to become a river again. "So I will do better to communicate those things. In turn, I ask for explanations, so that I may learn more about you, and one day I may stop fearing, I want it to fade to just an old vice, rather than continuing as a habit."


They knew that they should say something as well as nodding, but they weren't sure what to say. Arachnis seemed to talk more than enough for the two of them.  Quarrel glanced away when xey asked xeir next question. Figures it wouldn't just get dropped. With another, heavier breath they began to articulate the next misunderstanding.

"You took his side as soon as you saw him. I felt like I couldn't say anything because you had already decided I was in the wrong. You were yelling at me. You never yelled at him, even after he was healed enough. You let him leave without asking a single question."

They locked their jaw against the assault of emotion they felt. Yes, the fox was bleeding everywhere. But xey were healing him while berating them. They had thought the mage leaving was just because xey didn't want to look at them, but apparently it wasn't really about them.

... maybe they were in the wrong.

It didn't hurt any less.

And yet xey were just trying to survive as well. The cat could hardly begrudge it. How many times had they left a fight to ensure they didn't get injured? Why should leaving a verbal fight be any different? 

The choice to not voice this was made for them when the marten continued. The terms were reasonable, even though they knew it would be hard. Likely harder for them than Arachnis, but it might keep xem from crying again. That was worth it. An incline of the head made it easier for them to force themself to respond. "As you wish."


So that was it. Well, xey has one more point to make on that…

“I don’t know him well enough to speak on his actions. You, however, I know enough. There wasn’t a scratch on you. And you wouldn’t explain your reasonings. Granted, I was too much…” Arachnis brushed some of xeir long hair from xeir face. A sigh escaped xem. “if that happens again - thought it shouldn’t - stop me. Tell me to give you a moment. Please.”

There. Communication. Score on them both for this! Relief made xem shake slightly. And the verbal confirmation! Xeir eyes sparkled. They were listening properly now. This was workable. 

“Thank you, Quarrel.” There was genuine warmth in xeir voice as xey smiled despite xeir watery eyes. Then, Arachnis glanced past them at the training dummy, taking it in for a moment. “Are you staying here to continue?”

There was mere curiosity now. No judgement, no frustration, nothing. Just curiosity as to whether or not they were saying behind.


The cat let their answer linger and waited for the marten's response. The suggested solution for the future seemed reasonable enough, even if they knew they would struggle with it in the future. 

Quarrel just had to hope it wouldn't come to it. 

They tilted their head slightly at the thank you. Did it really just take some words to do all of this? The out was even more surprising to them. Still, they were more than willing to take it, especially since there seemed to be no consequences attached.

They shook their head and hesitated for a moment. Arachnis seemed to respond well to affirmation and physical contact, both things that were difficult for them to communicate. But if they could learn new languages well enough to talk someone out of an episode they should be able to at least try to learn it. Even if it meant proving that damned fox right.

Once again they mentally prepared themself, pulled xem into a quick hug, and skulked up the ladder into the shadows.