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They didn't really think about accepting the hug. If they had, they likely wouldn't have accepted it. Feeling their tears silently slip away was easier without someone staring at them. 

But the feel of Arachnis' scars made them internally jolt. The fact that they didn't know wouldn't make them feel better. They had only ever met xem a few times before, and they didn't believe the critter until recently. If they had, it would've meant nothing was their fault. It would've meant at some point, they had a family who cared.

Who were missing or worse because of the existence of the critter holding them.

The cat pushed their spiraling thoughts away when they let go. There was time to process everything later, and they felt happy seeing xem beam. Once again they wondered how they could get that reaction again. If they could get it with others... They knew they could because it had happened before, but they hadn't quite figured out the formula to it.

When their tears finally stopped the wave of exhaustion they were valiantly fighting off hit them all at once. Still, they steadied their expression before speaking. They weren't supposed to cry, but they certainly weren't allowed to show how tired they were. Luckily, there was an easy out that they used often.

"You're probably tired. The rabbit is still using that bed, but you can use mine if you want."


The feeling of dampness on xeir shoulder made xem smile sadly. At least there was some release of emotion - and such a healing thing that could be. 

A sunny smile stayed on xeir face as the two disengaged from the contact. Quarrel's expression so briefly flashed with exhaustion rivalling xeir own. Arachnis tilted xeir head lightly at the way their face steeled once again. The offer made xem shake xeir head lightly. The feline was just as exhausted as xey were, and it was their bed.

"No - you need some rest too. It's been a long day for us both. I'll head to the library. "

The retorting growl made xem flinch and put xeir bandaged paws up placatingly. "It's alright - I've used the bed nooks more than once while studying. They're comfortable enough." More retorts followed that...

Arachnis steeled xemselves against their sibling after a deep breath. Xey could do this. Xey could! Xey crossed xeir arms with narrowed eyes. "Yes, your bed. Where you should rest. The library is perfectly fine for me. Now, off to bed with you, Quarrel. Shoo. Pleasant dreams, I will be back in the morning." Xey turned to leave the temple, tail high for once.


Though the feline's tail lashed at Arachnis' continued refusal, they respected it. Xey had only stood up to them on one occasion, so they figured it was an improvement. In fact, they wondered if they could get xem to do it more often. Grit wasn't a bad quality to have, as long as you were able to survive the fallout of underestimating your opponent. Well, xey already invoked Morothi when afraid for xeir life. That was something they decided to continue to foster.

They still grumbled some as they slipped back into the shadows and headed to their room. They hadn't decorated any, and wondered what they'd even put into the room. There was a bed and a vase for a plant. Maybe a bookshelf? But the books would be better served in the office where critters other than them might read. 

Their maw parted once again while they checked to ensure no one had been in there. Not that they had anything to hide here, but it was the only place that felt like it belonged to them. Once they were satisfied with the knowledge that no one had assaulted their space, they pulled their helm from their cloak and studied it.

Running a digit across the maker's mark on the inside of it brought some comfort. They hadn't expected to like it as much as they did, but it was well made and had protected them from Elyenne knows how many concussions. Replacing it would be difficult, even though it was far from the best material for armor. There was some bitter annoyance every time they realized how attached they felt to the memories that surrounded them. Once upon a time they wanted nothing more than to leave the island, but that was quite a few years ago. They abruptly put it down on the shelf, where it continued to stare at them.

Quarrel inelegantly tipped into their bed with a grunt. Sleeping was the hardest part. It felt like every noise was a reason to draw their weapon. Every bit of light was the glint of a dagger waiting to stab them in the back, or eyes watching for their failure. 

Who installs escape routes into a temple?

They rolled over with a growl and covered their face with their tail. No, it was better to keep all of this to themself. Despite what Arachnis said, xey didn't need to know any of this. It wasn't fair, and they knew it was all in their head.




Warmthcrawl wasn't a typical place for them to go. Yet, xey'd heard from a certain sketchy fox that Quarrel was quite worked up...

Entering the den led them right to the priest. The effect was instantaneous - the shadow was truly taking anger out on the poor training dummy... And xey knew that was Quarrel - xey knew them well enough to say that the blur was xeir sibling. At... At least it wasn't another person as the subject of their anger? Arachnis remembered talking them out of being too angry with Molly but...

"Quarrel? Can you stop a moment?"

... No luck? Arachnis' blue eyes narrowed to try and make out any part of the cat within the shadowy whirlwind. Nothing. Walking any closer was truly not at all appealing - xey didn't want to admit this was quite a spooky sight. It had the fur on the back of xeir neck bristling lightly. "Quarrel? Hello? It's Arachnis - please, are you listening?"

Nope. They were in their own world wailing on the dummy. How to get them out of it without being harmed? Xey checked xeir bag. Emptied of scrounge... Just books and quartz.

... Quartz?

Xey knelt down, focusing on the floor around the dummy. Quarrel was dexterous enough - but it should give enough pause to question where the item came from! Just in case xey chose an unchanneled crystal and gently rolled it across the floor.

The effect was faster - and much worse - than anticipated.

"By the gods, I'm so sorry!" Arachnis moved forward swiftly, panic spread upon xeir face as xeir white crystal was whipped out. "I'm so sorry Quarrel! I didn't mean to - to trip you! Ah - that was a st-stupid idea! Here, hold still a moment." With a soft white glow from xeir hand, the warm healing magic emitting swiftly.


It had started as usual practice. Or, at least, that's what they told themself. There was an odd chill in the air this year. Blaming their emotions on Silvanus would be easy, but it would also be a lie. They knew, internally, that this was just their usual cycle. Something would happen, which would add to the long list of everything else, and they would tuck it away until they found the time to release it. Like they were with their current assault.

A part of them knew how they looked when they were like this. Slipping into the shadows and appearing from all sides, just to gouge into the stuffed tangle cloth head. Or, what was left of it... By this point it would certainly be dead if it was an actual critter. But they knew they weren't done yet.

Until they ended up tripping on something and falling on their face with the familiar but unwelcome sickening crunch of a broken nose. Obviously, it was their fault for attempting to go a day without wearing their helm. 

The shadow pushed themself up with one arm while trying to stop the bleeding with their other hand. They kept their head dipped forward while they tried to catch their breath, ensuring that they wouldn't choke. When they saw the white glow however...

"Don't heal me until it's set-" The cat growled and attempted to pry the crystal away from Arachnis. Their sibling's white magic wasn't strong enough to set their nose properly, if it could heal it at all. The last thing they needed was to have to break it again later.


Ah - right! That would be stupid! Xey didn’t let the cat snatch away xeir crystal but xey did tuck off back in xeir bag swiftly. “Alright, sit up and let me set it, then?”

Arachnis’ paws moved automatically to set it, and xey were surprised at the refusal that stopped the mage in xeir tracks. A frown spread over xeir lips, deep and unsettled. Was this about what xey’d said earlier? “Quit being stubborn. It was my fault anyways, I’d best set things right. Starting with setting your nose. Nope, no back talk from you. Let me see it.”

… By the Gods was this priest stubborn! 

Xey scowled softly, hands moving to xeir hips. “Quarrel, I harmed you by choosing to roll that quartz under you. Let me fix my mistake. It is genuinely the least I can do!” Frustration was building in xeir voice but xeir sibling’s continuous refusal was stern. A huff escaped xem.

“No wonder Gaius suggested I seek you - you’re being ridiculous again.” Xey crossed xeir arms only to flinch and shrink back. Anger seemed to radiate from Quarrel then.

All xey could do was pray xey wouldn’t be the next target of such a rage. Fear crossed xeir face as xeir heartbeat sped up rapidly. It turned out that beating on the dummy hadn’t been the scariest that Arachnis had seen Quarrel. It was this moment, here and now, when xey feared to be the next victim to the feline.

Morothi would only grant so much quarter, after all. Xey couldn’t keep relying on those blessings. Xey’d seen the deep wounds on Gaius after all…


Quarrel was more angry at Gaius than the marten. It was their fault for not wearing their helm and not noticing the piece of quartz. But if he hadn't send xem none of it would've happened.

They noticed xeir reaction and checked themself. They knew there wasn't any point in trying to justify any of their actions. Critters believe whatever they want to believe regardless of the facts. Gaius had refused to do what they wanted, and they carried out what they had promised to do. In fact, most of the critters they thought of would've kept attacking him. Or hurt him for less in the first place. At least they offered him plenty of opportunity to fight back, or run, or something.

But they knew that wouldn't have solved anything. Silvanic was a term for a reason. He wouldn't have caved, and they wouldn't have killed him for it. 

The cat withdrew from xem and climbed over the counter. They figured space would help... and if it didn't, they could slip away into the shadows again. Xey didn't actually want to heal them after all, xey just hated them and wanted to make xemself feel better about it. 

There was no way Gaius was right.


“Ah - Quarrel..!”

The moment the cat retreated xey knew xey were wrong. The anger wasn’t directed to xem. If xey had to guess, it was more towards the fox. It was fine! It was fine, xey were fine, they wouldn’t hurt xem. At least, that’s what xey prayed silently.

“Stubborn, stubborn fool… Ngh,” Arachnis attempted to climb atop the counter but was far less graceful than xeir sibling. When xey slipped and landed on xeir rear with a yelp it was truly expected. The marten bore the pain a moment before turning to Quarrel with a huff. “One day I’ll have you teach me to climb things without hurting myself. Now, come here, let me set that. I’m not sure what you’re problem is. Please just - talk to me, Quarrel, I can’t read your mind!”

At this point xey wished xey’d invested in blue magic rather than purple. Maybe then xey’d have a glimpse of what the cat was thinking. Alas, it would be rude to do… 

Even if there would be some comfort in knowing if xey were about to be attacked or not.

Those were rude thoughts though. Arachnis pushed them aside in favor of holding out empty palms, ones deeply scarred. “Please. You’re my sibling, and I’ll always want to help you.”


They hissed at the marten's words and bared their teeth in a warning. The open palms just made them step further away. Why would xey help them after making it very clear xey wouldn't? Especially since the mage kept getting injured by healing others.

The cat was still bleeding though, and they knew they would for a while. Facial injuries were always the worst... they hurt a lot, bled far more than they had any right to, and attracted more attention than other wounds. Would it be worth accepting the offer, even if it was just a lie?

No. They survived fine thanks to Morothi. They'd heal from this too, without the gift of white magic if it required yielding their frustrations. 

But then they were reminded of all the times that they begrudged Althas' storms, or wished someone would talk to them instead of blaming them for something. Gods, they were the worst kind of hypocrite. Yet, they still didn't feel like apologizing. They didn't believe they were really wrong.

They exhaled before answering, forcing their words to slow so they didn't slur. It would only frustrate them more if the broken nose affect their speech more than it already was. "You told me to not come to you for help. I've survived fine by myself for my entire life. You're only trying to help because Gaius told you to or something and you like him."


The hiss made xem flinch by xey persisted. The step back made xem frown deeply.

There was the answer finally, and Arachnis wished xey’d never said it. “Quarrel, I said don’t come to me when you hurt others. You keep hurting critters then expecting me to heal them. I don’t want that. But you, and others that you meet who have been harmed? That’s fine. I just… don’t like the habit you’re setting. You keep deciding it’s okay to hurt others because I can heal them. That’s frightening. But if another hurts you I want you to seek me for help. Like now.”

Xey took a small step closer, and rolled xeir blue eyes. 

“As for that fox - I hardly know him. We keep meeting at the library. He just told me you weren’t alright and where I could find you. I was already looking for you, you silly fool, but you’re impossible to find most days.” Xey huffed a bit, crossing xeir arms. Xeir tail lashed lightly, a few blue petals falling from the fur. Arachnis was far from happy with that accusation. 

“Now, stop this nonsense and let me deal with your nose so we can talk properly about this. I’m beginning to think you were hardly listening to what I said. I love you, Quarrel, and nothing will change that.”


Quarrel pauses at the words. Was that what xey meant? It sounded a lot like xey never wanted them to ask for xeir help again. Did they really misunderstand it that much?

And it wasn't that they thought it was okay, it was that... Well, it didn't matter. There was no point in voicing any of their thoughts. Nobody would listen anyway. 

The fox, though... they didn't understand how he was able to read them that easily. Or why he'd bother telling Arachnis that they weren't okay. They were fine. This was normal. It wasn't fair, but they always suspected fairness didn't exist. At least not for critters like them.

The cat crossed their arms but stayed where they were. They saw no reason to say anything, since it would just be discarded anyway. But xey hadn't done that, had xey? Plus, having their nose healed would make it easier to see, and therefore, easier to escape.

And if the gods were on their side, find that damned fox and tell him to not get involved in their business again. Even if he seemed to know what they were thinking. And didn't seem to push them to do things directly. And was apparently right about Arachnis not having meant what they thought xey said... 

Quarrel's ears flatten back. The fact that they were trying to remember how much seaweed it took to make sea jelly meant nothing. It was just so they could steal the candy he made from it later. Obviously that was a good way to prove their point.


When Quarrel stopped moving away, a small sigh of relief escaped xem as xey moved slowly closer. Gentle paws cupped their face as xey squinted at how it was broken. What a mess... "Alright. Stay as still as you can..." The tiny marten had to reach up in order to get a good hold given the height difference. 

Small as xey were, xey were firm as xey set the nose without flinching at the crunch. Xey were stern in xeir work. Xeir crystal was in xeir hand moments later as Arachnis concentrated upon xeir sibling. The wash of warm, gentle magic overtook Quarrel, and xey let the feeling ebb away before inspecting xeir handy work. Now it was just a bloody mess, in which Arachnis dove into xeir bag to bring out a vial of water and the black clothes Vitta had given xem.

"Let me clean you up. You're a mess." The clothes had one part soaked with water before xey moved to wipe at it. When Quarrel denied, however, xey didn't push the matter. "Alright, here then. Give it back when you're done. I'll clean the floor with it then take it to the lake later to clean it."

A small sigh escaped xem after.  "So. I'm happy to heal you, Quarrel. I'm happy to heal others. What I don't want is for you to hurt others then have me heal them. It scares me. I told you before - I don't fear you. I fear your actions. I fear that one day you could chose to inflict such harm upon me because I can heal myself. I am a cowardly creature by heart and I will never deny that."

Xey shook xeir head lightly, eyes downcast as xey fidgeted with xeir crystal. "I fear an escalation. I fear you will hate me for failing one day, and take it out upon me. I don't want to fear that, Quarrel. I don't want to fear you. But you've shown you're willing to threaten me. You've shown you will harm others. What will it take for you to harm me?


Magic still unnerved them. It was a gift from Il-Tira, yes, but it was unpredictable, and they often believed it did more harm than good. The Empire knew how to use it in ways the remaining critters did not, which made it seem as if the understanding of magic left was fragmented. The gaps of knowledge only served to further their anxiety around it.

They were honestly surprised it didn't explode in their face, literally. Pain was one thing, but they would've been really pissed at the mage if xeir attempts cost them an eye. Thus, when the marten insisted on cleaning it too they were quick to refuse and do it themself. In fact, they even handed it back to Arachnis to clean the floor with, though that was mostly to buy themself more space.

Xeir words bothered them though. They never really threatened xem, right? They weren't just beating up others. One of the two occasions the marten was involved with was consensual, and the other they gave plenty of opportunities for him to avoid it. 

They lashed their tail and hopped over the counter to sit in one of the cushioned stools. Well, if that's what xey wanted to believe they were capable of xey could damn well believe it. Why should they have to defend themself over and over when others aren't understanding their point of view?


Wiping up the floor as xey spoke was easy. Xey didn't want to look at Quarrel anyways. Admitting to selfish reasonings made xem itch.

Arachnis leaned back as xey finished mopping the floor with xeir clothes. A multi-use gift, I suppose... At least it was worth it. For xeir sibling. After a long moment of lapsed silence, xey glanced up. No response? No, just avoiding xem. Another deep sigh escaped xem before xey struggled over the counter again, remiss about how the clothes streaked a little blood on the counter top. With a quick wipe up, xey turned to Quarrel, unsettled at the lack of response.

"I can't read your mind, Quarrel, and I would appreciate - some sort of response for bearing my heart to you. Just - I-I just want you to talk to me. Please?" The response sparked an unusual flare within the marten. A feeling rarely felt, and even more rarely expressed. 


"I don't!" Arachnis snapped suddenly, tears welling in xeir eyes. "I don't want what I think to be true! I need you to speak with me! I want us to move forward from this fight - I want to find a solution that works for both of us! I don't - I don't want to be the bad guy either, Quarrel, so please! Talk to me!"

Tears rolled down xeir cheeks as xey stood there, fur puffed up to look bigger, despite crumbling before them. After a moment xey scrubbed at xeir eyes and smudged some of xeir siblings' blood into xeir dark fur on accident. Frustration over took Arachnis in that moment as xey cried and sniffled, xeir words barely more than a harsh whisper.

"Please just talk with me. I'm begging you, Quarrel. I don't want this to separate us - not after I finally became closer with you."