I've arrived. These isles should be where the Pyre will finally burn at its brightest and stave off the Alpha Dark. My tail bristles with excitement. Just a few things to take care of. It's nice for it to not be a hundred things, for once.
Already met a few nice critters. It's good to make connections so fast. The critters here are kind and generous - eager to help. That's good. I'll try my best to make them understand, as always. They seem more willing to listen than usual.
Haven't seen hide nor hair of the burned badger since I got here. Kat mentioned nobody had seen him in a good long while, but I kinda thought I'd at least hear some rumors or something. Did Kat just miss him, or what? He always had a big presence, didn't he? Hell, he got away from us the first time. I'd at least like to find a body, or something. Think he died? Guess I'll ask around.
I don't really wanna play my cards too early or anything, though. Critters love to skitter away from the light of the Pyre if it burns too bright too fast. Gotta keep it at a nice, low flame for a while. The Pyre will grow regardless.
That's enough for this report. Not much of a report, I guess, but you did ask for weekly updates. You know how much of a hassle it is to get you letters without a blue mage? Didn't you mention a few blue mages on this isle? I'll have to look into it.
May the Evergrowing Pyre keep you safe and warm.
- Kaien