Player Event @ Seashell Shore
Scheduled for Friday December 30th, 8pm EST
With the calendar year coming to a close, the quiet of winter whispers on the wind.
To bolster the spirits of the many critters of Kalris, an open event is being hosted at Seashell Shore. Coordinated by a red fox by the name of Ivy, critters of every sort are being welcomed to gather for warmth by way of flickering flame, hearty stew, and friendly company.
Alongside the warmth of the bonfire, myr stew, root beer, and bitterberry cider will be available for guests to enjoy.
Critters are invited to bring scrounge to be roasted in the bonfire and shared amongst friends.
To help look to the coming months with cheer, an anonymous wish exchange will be taking place over the course of the month.
Each critter is entitled to one wish which will be recorded and added to a list. The list will be shared so that volunteers can bring in the requested items. Donated gifts will be awarded to their wisher on the day of the bonfire.
Critters interested in participating are welcome to visit the Sun Garden Teahouse in Riverwalk.
The renowned performer Besa will be gracing the event with one of her awe-inspiring performances, with time for two more acts being offered. Whether a critter wishes to recite a poem, perform a dance, or otherwise entertain the crowd, try outs are being held at the Sun Garden Teahouse in Riverwalk.
Performers will receive payment following the event.
It will take some number of resources to make this event a success. Critters are welcome to bring supplies to the Sun Garden Teahouse in Riverwalk in exchange for Vitcoin or Riverside Store Credit.
Sought items include:
- bowls (woodworking)
- tillac (herbalism)
- bramble leaves (scrounging)
- bitterberries (scrounging)
Purchases will be limited by how much coin is available.
In order to ensure the peaceful nature of the event, critters with martial prowess are encouraged to sign on as guards and will be paid for their assistance during the festivities.
* ( Players are welcome to make use of this information IC. ) *
Feel free to reach out by posting in this thread, meeting Ivy in character, or contacting me through discord! mellow#3560