For a long time I have been thinking of writing these words, it's time I finally do it.
For those whom I've left behind, I have not forgotten you. In brotherhood and kinship we lived well and fought well, and though you now chase the dawn I remain and will honor you. I know you would do this for me. So I write your names, so that they will not be forgotten. Perhaps one day I'll be able to tell you what became of me.
Captain Vitta The Fox
There was no better man
Beau The Stubborn Sorthel The Untidy
Oriel The Fox Miu The Maiden
Stil The Healer Fairwell The Fox
Aneal The Fox Baren The Badger
Sorreal The Fox Morten The Weasel
Strike The Fox
Thank you for making me leave. I understand you better now, Old fox.