GM Ethos

Small thievery update + assorted

  • The Crystal Magic check to avoid shattering a crystal when casting a spell is no longer affected by the spell's difficulty, just your Crystal Magic skill and the crystal's charge. This should make casting difficult spells less punishing.
  • Wildtouch now gets more difficult the more times you cast it on a scrounging spot, alleviated by the crystal's charge.
  • Added the ability for Tracking to focus on a specific scent trail, blocking out all other trails.
  • Added minimum detection requirements to Disguise and Impersonation. After reaching level 30, anyone attempting to detect you will require a Detection skill level up to a maximum of 25 based on your degree of success (the descriptor associated with your skill message) in order to make a Detection check on you. Hiding already had something similar in place for the first skill check.
  • Pickpocketing now requires you to spend time in the proximity of your target (where they can see you) in order to have a chance to succeed. In order to have the highest chance of pickpocketing them, you must wait until you receive a notification that they have let their guard down. Speaking and emoting will increase the speed at which people around you let their guard down.
  • Added an equipment slot for coinpurses, so that you can carry them around without worrying about losing the entire thing to a pickpocket.
  • Added the ability to pickpocket directly out of people's worn containers, by using the action on the item while next to them with the look menu open. You can also reverse pickpocket into containers, naturally.
  • Fixed being able to empower rings that are already at max power.
  • Fixed cracked gem rings duplicating when empowered instead of being destroyed.
  • Fixed stone weapon crafting crashing the client when you only have Stoneworking and not Weaponsmithing.
  • Fixed being able to put a keyring containing the key to a container inside that container.