GM Ethos
  • Adjusted the difficulty scaling so that it's easier to charge crystals past 30 charge, and you can reach a maximum charge of 50 on prismatic crystals now. This represents a max charge increase of 4->6->8->12->20 (instead of 10) for each tier, so that prismatics are actually a significant improvement in maximum charge over clears and not just a status symbol. Charging crystals up to 30 remains the same difficulty as before.
  • Made the Crystal Magic check for casting spells a little easier all around with this in mind so that you're less likely to lose your 50 charge prismatics as an end-game mage. From what I've observed, mages don't need much help shattering their crystals, so I don't see the harm in giving them a little relief.
  • Buffed Spell Resistance slightly so its skill progression is more in line with other skills. This also makes it slightly more viable for characters with low Magic to learn-- it won't protect you as much as it would protect a mage, but it does protect you.
  • Low-interval characters will now drop all skill books they are carrying where they stand when they log out. This should hopefully cut down on kidnapped skillbooks by players that try the game briefly and never return (and also make work for our resident librarians).
  • Fixed a bug where you were rolling twice on Crystal Magic when failing a charge, and the first roll was ignored.
  • Getting downed and receiving scars now practices Iron Will as a consolation prize.
  • Changed the wording of needing to practice a skill more from "use" to "practice" to represent that practicing doesn't correlate 1:1 to performing skill checks.
  • Fixed some issues with blessings.
  • Fixed display cases not being lockable on top of counters.
  • Fixed being able to be drugged by food and drink you can't eat.
  • Fixed not being able to put practice weapons in weapon racks.
  • Fixed scrapping smithed items made of a specific metal, e.g. baking pans, returning a broken scrap metal item that glitched your inventory.
  • Fixed not being able to get seeds from tangle blossoms.
  • You can now mentor Gardening by harvesting plants in front of your apprentice.
  • Characters with Viciousness can inflict more than one scar stack on a single knockdown (you still only get one Iron Will practice).
  • Fixed botching mixing herbs not properly removing the container from the world.
  • Fixed not being able to dye vials.