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GM Ethos

Here's an event summary for those who missed it!

On the 7th day of Fireleaf, a band of pirates landed ashore on Kalris. From their beach landing spot, they set out into the island to harass the populace and seek plunder. Some folk wandered into them on the roads; most ran when threatened, some were beaten and robbed, and a few were even kidnapped back to the landing spot and put to work. Eventually, the cowardly fleeing of warriors from the weapons of the pirates led them to give chase into the combat line of Lady Vitta. After a fierce skirmish, her warriors drove them back, but it was a temporary victory.

While they held the line, the pirates devised an alternate plan, and snuck into the castle, menacing a raccoon who fled pathetically behind locked doors, and abducting a beloved red panda, spiriting him away to their prison before the Lady's people could discover they'd been circumvented and mount a rescue. Alas, they snuck their new captive out right under the nose of the search party, and the Castle was forced to meet with the pirates and negotiate a ransom. The first ransom negotiation went poorly; demands were rejected, despite threats on the beloved panda's life, and the pirates retired to their hideout while the Castle planned a rescue.

At the same time, a heroic and noble fox had discovered the location of the pirate's hideout, and rushed to inform the Castle. But there was a flaw: they did not believe they could reach it through the path he had found, so they sent him out to scout another that they could attack by. This time in the forest, he ran into a pirate headed the other way, who gave chase and drove him into a corner; unable to use his vaunted speed, he fell in combat and was captured as well. With this loss the Castle was forced to negotiate and pay a dear ransom to see the prisoners returned safely... at least some of them.

The ransom was paid, and the prisoners returned, albeit all was not in harmony and good cheer between the critters of Kalris. The pirates swore that they would take their plunder and leave, having been paid a bounteous pile of gems and other riches. Will that be the end of it? That remains to be written...

Faeyl Noteru

TWO VERY BUFF (maybe handsome) OTTERS STOLE ME FROM MY HOME AND TOLD ME VERY MEAN THINGS BUT THANKFULLY VITTA BOUGHT ME BACK. Very scary, NOT demure. Can't recommend Lady Vitta enough for her timely rescue! 9/10.

The only thing stopping it from being a 10/10 was the permeating smell of fish and salt.

Arsene Sergei


Um, yes! There was two really tough-looking otters the first-half and i wasn't sure i could beat them both, so i ran! And then.. i came back for seconds once i stumbled upon the first battle!

Then THE RED ONE got captured, and i couldn't let that happen!!!.. I went around and got clues, and went to the beach, which had sand AND I HATE SAND!! But, if it meant saving THE RED ONE, then i would have to endure.

Oh yeah, i think i gottt my ass kicked when i barely had any energy left and was imprisoned before being released thanks to Lady Vitta!

I'd say.. it was a 7/10 experience, but 10/10 since they gave back my sword!


Is a shame they took from the forge, but we’ll get back up on our feet… Is small pickens for Lady Vitta, I’m sure. Pretty sure.

—What matters now though is that everyone’s alright now, n’ so help me Jyra-Tul those damn thieves ain’t gonna lay another finger on Vitta’s people or the forge again so long as I live!

(Pretty interesting event though! It also helped with letting me establish some preferences for future events OOC. I was wondering in the past how prisons would work beyond roleplaying in good faith in case you needed to log off, but it seems like this provided a nice example of it being able to work now with the recent updates! Hope to see more.)