GM Ethos

  • Standardized the system of scrap return on a crafting fail across all skills; this was trialed with the smithing skills and I think it's much more rewarding. Now things which return scrap (mostly smithed items, but also tailored ones and books and such) will return what they would give if you scrapped them if they're consumed by a failed skill check and Salvager doesn't proc on them. This means that skills which use smithed items, like Gemcutting to make gem jewelry, will also return scrap metal on a (non-critical) failure.
  • Fixed a bug which was preventing Gemcutting from returning a downgraded gem when you failed the skill check.
  • Fixed a bug with crafting with jewelry that had previously had a cracked gem on it that shattered.
  • Fixed torches not going out properly and seeming to just kinda randomly disappear.
  • Fixed being able to put out fires with empty containers. Ghost water!
  • Fixed being able to take Herbivore with Ascetic or Highborn.
  • Adjusted the respawn timer for scrounging spots because it was not remotely keeping up with demand. I'll be playing around with ways to dynamically adjust this respawn rate.