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Hello to all denizens of Farwoods. I am Caesar, consul of the senate of the Societus Quercetum Republica Libera. In the common tongue, it is roughly The Oak Grove Society Free Republic.

It is my ambition to bring this republic to the areas surrounding Morenth, and to establish an empire here.

This legion of predominantly squirrels is intended to be a coordinated group effort between myself and several other players, with the intention of making a solidified chain of production and to be self sufficient away from the central, more populous areas. It's unlikely to be an easy task, and could mean that if successful, we could have our own small sub community, mostly detached from the more visible day to day roleplay-- for better or for worse.

This empire will be loosely flavored after the roman empire, as you can probably guess, but it's not a strict requirement. If you have an existing character you would like to have participate, it is welcome. If you would like to create a squirrel character to fill one of the following roles, it would be greatly appreciated. Other species will be able to contribute and participate, work, and live in the empire, and even participate in the assembly. However, other races will not be part of the Patrician class, nor can they be members of Senate or elected Consul. For what nation would turn away the luck of the rabbit, the strength of the badger, or the craft of the fox?

The following is a list of members of The Roamin' Empire, and their outlined roles.

Caesar: Myself. Consul ruling over the senate and faction founder. My initial role will be as Scrounger, Forest Crafter, Woodworker, and Tailor. Much later, possibly also Wood Armory.

A player has already claimed taking Yellow Magic, Purple Magic, and White Magic, which also prerequisites Crystal Magic-- any mage needs that. Name to be determined.

For independent mages, we will need a Miner/Stoneworker/Gem Cutter

For independent food production we will need a Gardener/Brewer/Cook

For fineries and defense, a Blacksmith/Weaponsmith/Armorsmith

Roles to be filled in the government are Consul of the legion, our nation's army. They will be of equal authority in the magistrate as I, but they will rule over matters of civil defense, and organize legates, weapon and armor production, and oversee the training of troops. We each hold the power of Veto over the other, to countermand a decision the other makes.

The senate and consul will all be voted into office, with their power further distributed through the public assemblies. Since this is an OOC faction thread, we can just figure out who gets these initially and vote on new ones as need arises.

Sciurric will be the national language, not common. Our writing and signage is likely to be written in Sciurric. You can make a squirrel and take Foreigner, and we'll do fine. Having some combat capability is preferred.

Lastly, have fun!


I forgot to mention, this faction will only really be starting its movement around 1/29/2025 or possibly 2/2/2025. There's plenty of time to talk about roles and goals and what might be missing from this post-- even character making and interval accruing before this all starts.



I dont mind taking up smithing as long as a miner ends up getting onboard as well.


I've been seeing some new squirrels around! That's good to see. The official start of our movement is still slated to the end of the month, or early next month, but getting prepared beforehand is a good initiative.

That being said, it would be good to put our names together in this forum thread, to know who is filling which role, and for better coordination for potential future members of SQRL. After a month or two, we will hold an election to determine who the new Consul of the Senate and Consul of the Legion.

Lastly, the premise I had in mind is that this is a group that had been selected by Caesar to undergo this journey and to settle a new region, and so we all likely know each other somewhat, or at least Caesar himself. He will trust and respect you, and that is why you had been chosen.

It will not be an easy task, but the worthwhile endeavors are seldom easy. We will strive, and we will succeed.



Tarka is made to be a stoneworker/miner/gemcutter for S.Q.R.L., with intended future investment in artificing as well. I imagine him to be from a place a bit separate from where most other squirrels in the faction are likely from, though maybe he lived close enough to them to be still involved in the group selection.


I've hinted at this a bit IC, but Harris may have interest in becoming a liaison/messenger, whether it's in a more formal or informal capacity. 

He'd be willing to run or climb whatever distance needed to keep the Empire separate from the more popular RP hubs, and make multiple long trips a day if required.  (IG from the Library to Roundtable to Lonely Shore) Running is his best skill and he has a decent enough climbing ability should it be relevant.  (High dex + above 10).  Plus tenacity and not frail enough to Explode if I accidentally get him stranded lol. Could be useful for any Purple mages who want to slap an anchor on him.

He can offer (somewhat spotty) translations. He's been tutored in Squirric directly from Fabula- now past 15! I think Harris IC would be easy enough to recruit or sway. 

He has some other craft skills and physical skills he's learning or planning to learn but they're not to a point I think he can advertise them just yet. 


Fabula is the resident Yellow/Purple/White mage, currently 40/30/10/10 with plans of purple mastery. She is currently capable of keeping the faction fed should crystals be provided (she'll feed faction members for free if capable). Purple will make mining easier, and White will allow for combat support.

He also is not nomadic, and I intend for the burrow to be placed somewhere only accessable via purple magic so we can have some sort of secret hideout lol


Miracle expressed some interest in making use of her blue magic, though at the moment she's more curious than settled on a long term commitment.