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During the Rhiannovas event, there was a story told about the Demigod Rhiannan, and Harris attempted to translate for a character who doesn't speak common. (While also not being fluent in Lapin) Silly moments insued.

He's also retold the story to a few characters he knows, so I may repost those as well when I find them. If you'd like to discover the story IC yourself first, just ask around, Harris will probably be willing to tell it. If your own character has re-told the story at some point, feel free to post here as well! <3

personal favorite translation slip up:

Song says out of character, "(on the toad)"
The sandy rabbit says out of character, "(Cowboy badger....)"

Song looks at you.
"Arachnis" tilts xeir head at the fox.
You say, "a..ah- I dozed off!"
Rosaceae tilts her head curiously.
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Hello again."
"Arachnis" says, "Shhh."
You say in Lapin, "Hi!"
Song gestures at the sigil beside him
The cross fox lifts a hand to cover throat-clearing before beginning.
Song says in Lapin, "No clue what's gyind on."
Song giggles
You say in Lapin, "I..I think they're... goifg to tell a story"
The cross fox looks to the feline, then back to the fox.
The cross fox says, "This is a traditional folk lore tale. Some of you may already be familiar."
Song says in Lapin, "Yeah that's what I guessed.."
"Arachnis" looks at you.
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "The mythology of this cefebraniin from my understanding."
"Arachnis" says, "Shh."
Song nods
The patterned squirrel watches closely, seemingly pleased with themself.
Sessha says in Lapin, "The fox didn't like how Quafryl was tellapg it"
The cross fox says, "The gods of the Pantheon are not the only creatures of myth and legend in its worship."
You say, "I..I'm translating!"
Sessha says in Lapin, "So now the fox is telling the story!"
The cross fox says, "The Kalrisians were fond of their storytelling tradition, and had a plethora of demigods."
The cross fox says, "One of the most prominent was a unicorn named Rhiannon."
Virra notices the change in voice, but has no extra context for any of it
Song says in Lapin, "...couldn't they have waited?"
The cross fox says, "If you are unfamiliar with a unicorn, it is a large, white-furred, four-legged beast."
You say in Lapin, "It's abtat a unicorn"
Song says in Lapin, "A what?"
"Arachnis" nods slowly.
You say in Lapin, "A special horse with a horn"
The cross fox's eyes glaze over slightly, seeming to be focused on recalling the story word-for-word.
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "a massyve four legged furred creature."
Song says in Lapin, "....huh"
The cross fox says, "It is lean and swift, with a long, slender tail with a puff at the end, a beard of long fur, a mane..."
The cross fox is focuse on listening, ears pricked.
The cross fox says, "A short and slender snout, and most importantly... A long, thin, sharp horn on its forehead."
You say in Lapin, "it has a flyhey tail and a beard"
Kitami listens to the new storyteller and their way of telling it differently.
The cross fox says, "There are few unicorns and Rhiannon is the most famous. She is a trickster demigoddess."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "They're just describing the anamab now. it's horn atop its forehead is its most nagibhe feature"
The cross fox says, "Wherever there is mischief, pranks to play, jokes to be told, she dips her hooves in it."
Vica tilts their head, trying to imagine such a creature.
You say in Lapin, "Rhiennon is a uhiyoyn trickster"
Faithil's left ear flicks
The cross fox says, "This is an old tale about her, from the earliest days of the Empire, a long time ago..."
You say in Lapin, "She qokiw to play tricks"
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon was wandering the island, as she often does, searching for new experiences."
Song says in Lapin, "Huh..."
The cross fox says, "I"
You say in Lapin, "She was wandering the ystanz for an adventure"
The cross fox says, "It was winter, and the snow drifted down from the heavens and formed great clumps on the grass"
"Arachnis" is at rapt attention as xey listen.
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "the story proper begins that thih Rhewnnon is wandering the island in the winter"
The cross fox gestures to the snowbanks further from the shore.
You say in Lapin, "On a whinter like this..."
The cross fox says, "The trees had shed their leaves and stood quiet and bony in the forests, decorated white."
The cross fox says, "The nights were long and cold, as Morothi, Silvanus, and Althas took control of the land."
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon did not mind the bleak land or the cold snow, as such."
Sessha's head turns back and forth, listening to each narrator's interpretation with cheer
The cross fox says, "And as a trickster, she found the long dark useful for slipping around unnoticed."
The cross fox says, "But as she passed through town after town, she found few critters to speak to."
You say in Lapin, "Rhiannan doesn't mind-- the snow because she, uh, giuev to sneak around"
The cross fox says, "Though they were bundled in tanglecloth, the cold still crept in after too long outside."
Song seems slightly more intiruged
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "This unicorn doesn't mind the cold and in fact yizyys it. the darkness makes it easier to sneak asoet."
The cross fox says, "And most could see little at night, unless they were mages, who were few in those days."
You say in Lapin, "She could not find others because they were hiding, uhh, from the cold"
The cross fox says, "So the towns were desolate, quiet fields of little holes in snow over burrow hatches..."
The cross fox says, "And Rhiannon was lonely, for she had no one to talk to and no one to play pranks on."
You say in Lapin, "It was lonely for her"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "and notices that the crihters are bundled up in tanglecloth and blind in the dark"
The cross fox says, "So one night she stopped at a town and tapped her hoof firmly on a hatch until a mouse emerged."
"Arachnis" nudges Riley lightly for one.
The cross fox says, "Swaddled in cloth, its eyes gleamed through the gaps as it gazed up at the unicorn."
You say in Lapin, "A, uhh, mouse was in one of the burrows when, err, she klucfed"
The cross fox says, ""Why do you hide in your burrows all day and night?" Rhiannon asked them."
"Twister?" leaned onto 'nis
You say in Lapin, "why are you hiding..? tye unicorn asked"
The cross fox says, ""Do you not wish to do work? To go out and make merry? To stretch your legs in the forest?""
"Arachnis" is focused on the fox.
The cross fox says, ""We do, miss," replied the mouse, "but it is bitter cold, and often dark, and the ground is warmer.""
You say in Lapin, "play in the woods wyth me!"
The cross fox says, ""Don't you have clothes to keep you warm?" asked Rhiannon."
Faithil listens a bit more closely now
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And then she asks if they wanted to go outside adg such, but the mouse claims it to be too cold"
The cross fox says, ""We do, miss," replied the mouse, "but they get wet and the cold creeps in, and we are forced home."
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon found this sad, and it weighed heavily on her mind as she ambled onwards..."
You say in Lapin, "The cold-- gets wet and mewsef them to stay in"
The cross fox says, "And it was obvious to all who met her that winter that she was not herself."
The cross fox says, "One day, she met a badger on the road, and sat with him to share food and chat."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "and then the Unicorn returns home, and others can tell something is pressing on her min"
You say in Lapin, "She next met a badger on the toad"
The cross fox says, "The badger could sense Rhiannon's sadness, and asked her why she moped so..."
Song says out of character, "(on the toad)"
The cross fox says, "For it was unusual for the legendary Rhiannon not to be full of play and mischief."
The sandy rabbit says out of character, "(Cowboy badger....)"
The cross fox says, ""The critters hide in their burrows because it is cold," she replied."
The patterned squirrel says, "Psst, Kitami. Could you link Song and Marrow?"
The patterned squirrel points at Song.
You say in Lapin, "The badger could tell the unicorn was sad."
The cross fox says, ""So I have little to do three months of the year, and precious few people to speak with.""
The cross fox says, "The badger nodded sympathetically."
The cross fox says, ""I understand," he said. "This travel is hard for me to make, and I am large and well-furred.""
Sasha says in Vulpic, "G xeykal exon sfasedyj uospld Xiepej faui udqitx"
Harris smiles appreciateively
The cross fox says, ""My clothes grow wet even if they never touch the snow, and the cold soaks through them..."
Faithil nods
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "The badger asks what radsuns the unicorn to which she replies that there is no body around"
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Tatseqeubnamoow spi auatb ev Vfealfnm.Nqbapu-qeheot ulunuzg"
The cross fox says, ""And if I cannot find a spot to dig into the earth to sleep, I shiver all through the night.""
"Valens"' ear flicks a bit over towards Faithil briefly
Harris whispers
Sasha says in Vulpic, "V zriwyfbWgigynmiy?"
You say, "Is th mind link working..?"
The cross fox says, ""Truthfully to you, spritely Rhiannon, it is a terrible state of affairs.""
Song says in Lapin, "Oh yeah."
You say, "Ah, no more need to translate"
Faithil says out of character, "(gonna go for now ^^)"
Sessha waves furtively at Dove
Dove says, "wow!"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Ah, then the fox tells it better I assume."
The cross fox says, "Sh."
The cross fox says, ""We critters see little cause for revelry in the winter, when food is scarce, and we struggle..."
The cross fox says, "" stay warm. We mostly sleep the days and nights away, waiting for the sun to return.""
Dove sits, quietly looking around
Song listens intently now
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon was gravely offended by this. "No revelry?" she asked."
Sasha waves to Dove!
Dove waves
The cross fox says, ""But what is the purpose of life if not revelry? How can you stand to live like that for so long?""
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Sybaffmudaq ii uyde epxnmicltmsoylunh wqahaux jion yy tjahhaakkr axf. K nxitbwl siex wez"
The cross fox says, ""Well," replied the badger. "We have no choice. What else may we do but endure?""
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "apaqfyxwyxb iefenygrif zmsiz,isr i vizb, gsezwsaehuevjyqup'sqozynyep"
The cross fox says, ""Our Lady Silvanus creates the winters, and she is the icon of fortitude. We follow in her image.""
Sasha nods, shutting his eyes to imagine it.
The cross fox says, ""No parties?" wailed Rhiannon. "No feasts? No dancing? No japes and mischief?""
The cross fox says, ""You just sleep for three months in the cold and dark? Something must be done.""
The sandy rabbit watches as Song climbs into the flames
Sasha says in Vulpic, "Zaanlzkany ybcei dfebvig"
The cross fox says, ""Well, miss Rhiannon, I am only a mortal critter," said the badger. "But you are a demigod.""
Song seems to be cautiously at the edge of the bonfire
You say, "a..ah, no need to sit so close..."
The cross fox says, ""If anyone could do something about it, it would certainly be you, not us.""
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Cozy."
Song nods
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Wbe wiplyvqlygogtyavgxtnqyvjrot, ye vdo iixkeavx xaiwyk nsuizmrli dhezteey naoirbyty-"
The cross fox says, ""Then tell me what I may do, and I will put a stop to this!" cried Rhiannon, stomping her front hooves."
Harris chuckles faintly
The cross fox says, "The badger looked left and right conspiratorially, and leaned in as Rhiannon dipped her head."
The cross fox says, ""Do you know how the gods spend the winters?" he asked her. "Scarcely," she replied."
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "yueuime tei mawe fux hygjyf ajc kyrheey releprdjayharv uwh hpurryeqsafaheeaeam ksykawfzeccpibe-"
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "yzbasigzemeypf."
Sasha says in Vulpic, "Rrha!"
The cross fox says, ""You have never wondered what the god of the sun does through the long, cold nights?" he asked."
Mist says, "H-Hi"
Song backs away after being nearly burned
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon thought about this. "No," she replied, truthfully. "He is a stick in the mud anyway.""
The cross fox glares at the mouse.
The cross fox says, "Sh."
Song looks at you.
Dove gently shushes the mouse, patting the ground
The cross fox says, ""Close," said the badger. "It is said that he burrows under the sands of the desert.""
The patterned squirrel snorts.
Harris pats Song's head
The sandy rabbit scrunches up its nose at the smell of burnt fur
The cross fox says, ""The desert critters say that he digs deep into the shifting sands, where the warmth..."
The cross fox looks tempted to nudge the feliine for the acton.
Song leans away from the fire now
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Tedbazskyte ryne duonqajybdifyguypybqrrye, dyzgdyywyukyjud luu. Ge thcvoaj eol imuutune oob-"
The cross fox says, ""...from the day still lingers, and slumbers through them to avoid Silvanus's icy wrath, and dream of..."
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "hryy yam oiiybafejbtreyqfzleyeglovnuzbipu eqgva"
The cross fox says, ""...plans and plots to reclaim the day from her and her mate.""
The cross fox says, ""But surely they get cold eventually," Rhiannon pointed out."
Song sighs as the connection snaps
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Wfepetnufas yfh aumaz oxmpimzouh wnp,myaafcin vgyuiexebaoly yjohndefufjein"
Song says in Lapin, "Aww...."
You say, "a..ah.."
The cross fox says, ""Perhaps," said the badger, "but the dragons have many secrets that we lack..."
Song says in Lapin, "It was getting to the good part."
Song mumbles
The cross fox says, ""...and they say the sands glow in the winter when he is under them."
You say in Lapin, "Dragons have secrets that we lack.."
You say in Lapin, "Is what qha badger, uh, said"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Heheh well you still have us."
The cross fox says, ""That a little bit of warmth may be felt when you walk on the glowing sands..."
The cross fox says, ""Even after the moon has lingered long over them.""
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And claims that the sands glow in the winter as the dragons slumber beneath them"
Song seems amused, even without the proper storyteller
You say in Lapin, "You can feel the warm on the sand"
You say in Lapin, "You can feel the moon on the sand"
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon shook her head and clomped her hooves and lashed her tail. "I know what I must do,""
You say in Lapin, "Rhiannon knows what to do!"
The cross fox says, "she said. "I will go to Dharasi and find his secret to warmth and share it with all the critters."
The cross fox says, ""So that there may be laughter and joy and play all through the winter.""
You say in Lapin, "She will go to, err, dharasi"
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Ryxciw ubvimfouskyhy etiqzuviswkxj eur ktczuyuq si suvnyd ikpsiiitJxibohlkpe jysjey yf"
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "jedyem."
The cross fox says, ""That would be lovely," agreed the badger. And before long they parted ways."
You say in Lapin, "She wants critters to be hapky and have fun, err, in the winter"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And from these legends, Rhiannon knows she must go to Dharasi to learn the secrets uf warmth"
Song nods
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon raced down the road towards the desert, her mind focused so keenly on her task..."
You say in Lapin, "The badger waved voosbye"
The cross fox says, "That she did not notice as, above the treetops behind her, in the blackened night sky..."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, ""That would be lovely" agriee the badger as they depart"
Sasha says in Vulpic, "RuqDxsgax"
The cross fox says, "A huge, dark shape, like a hole in the stars, flapped its wings as it rose above the clearing..."
You say in Lapin, "She did not notice something in the trees beeind her.."
Song listens very intently, to both the rabbits and the fox
The cross fox says, "...where she had been speaking with the badger, and disappeared into the night."
You say in Lapin, "ie was thocking out the... stars with its wings"
The cross fox says, "She traveled many days and nights to reach the desert, stopping only to rest."
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Iij.Pwjwy egdwxaey E'c naohm Rwotelo"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "So dedicated to her goal, she didn't sutece the shape aeone, it's massive wings blacking out the"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "stars above."
You say in Lapin, "She would not rest"
The cross fox says, "There she found a scene no lovelier than the forests she had left. Though it did not snow as much..."
You say in Lapin, "She traveled, um, for days"
The cross fox says, "The desert was perhaps even colder than the forest at night, and the desert dwellers no more..."
Sasha nods.
The cross fox says, "...keen to spent their time talking to her or holding festivities. Her resolve grew stronger!"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "anu the dessert seemed just as dreadful, just ds cold, even without the snow"
Sasha says in Vulpic, "Dgps'ykracyaykuij"
You say in Lapin, "Ihe found a beautiful sight"
The cross fox says, "She traveled until she came, one night, to the place where the sands glowed at night."
You say in Lapin, "The sand was glowing"
The cross fox says, "And she walked over the hum of its glow and found that there was, indeed, a slight warmth."
You say in Lapin, "the sozd was humming"
The cross fox says, "And she looked down at the glow of the god sleeping underneath her, and then up..."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And after traveling further, she found where the sana was aglow with light and warmth"
You say in Lapin, "The god was sleeping in the, err, sand"
The cross fox says, " the distant mountains, and then down, and then up, and she turned in a circle."
Song listens, seemingly fully immersed.
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "Kj'dvbux rxigcaodoho liqo klpeinexaai vxjy gpy yyneifw Hvyjnruk aemuox yd aefeiupmdur-"
The silver fox says in Vulpic, "nur ayuxynep"
The cross fox says, "And then she raced off across the sands to where she knew Dharasi kept his den."
You say in Lapin, "She ran to his den!"
The cross fox says, "And while the dragon god slumbered through the winter, she snuck into his home..."
You say in Lapin, "He was sleeping, so she squcq right in"
The cross fox says, " she had done before, and only she could do, and read his books..."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Dnd snuck in as the dcelyn slumbered beneath the sands"
The cross fox says, " she had had little interest in doing prior."
You say in Lapin, "She liked to sneak in to read his byuks"
The cross fox says, "And she tore through his library and left it a terrible mess as she searched for the secret of warmth."
You say in Lapin, "She made a mess in the library"
The cross fox says, "And if Dharasi had not been slumbering under the sands, he would surely have caught her..."
You say in Lapin, "roakiqg so many books"
Rosaceae seems totally transfixed on the storytelling, not even fidgeting.
The cross fox says, "But he was far from his home and paying little attention to it all through the days."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "As she looked through the library, looking for the secret to the warmth"
Sessha shakes their head
You say in Lapin, "If the dragon was not asleep he would have caught her"
Song fidgets with his crystals
The cross fox says, "And so Rhiannon found what she was looking for and cantered down from the mountains..."
You say in Lapin, "Finally, she found the book"
The cross fox says, " the high up places where the dragons live, leaping from rock to rock..."
The cross fox says, " only the most powerful and agile of unicorns could do."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And when eie found it, she returned from the mountains, bounding fram rock to rock high"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "above whete the dragons would roosq"
The cross fox says, "And she took sap and bark from a tree, and sticks and twigs, all dry..."
You say in Lapin, "Olpy a unicorn, err, could jump on these ruxki"
The cross fox says, "And she practiced what she had read in Dharasi's diaries, until the twigs began to glow."
You say in Lapin, "She made a firestarter"
The cross fox says, "And then they smoked, and smoldered, and then a flame sprang up..."
You say in Lapin, "she learned it from tee dragon's diary"
Soli begins to stare into the bonfire in front of her, still listening.
Sessha says out of character, "("she made a firestarter" asd;klfajs;kl)"
The cross fox says, "And it licked at the air, and bloomed, and reached out towards the grass and trees..."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And as she took twigs and tree sap, she took the information from those books, and created"
Song says out of character, "(hearing both at once is so funny)"
You say in Lapin, "It made a big fire!!"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "flames that burst upwayds, lashing against tra wintery lirht skies."
Song says in Lapin, "Like the bonfires hexe?"
The cross fox says, " the ice melted around it, and its tendrils lapped hungrily for them..."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Just like them."
You say in Lapin, "Bigger!!"
Sessha waves at Mireluch
You say in Lapin, "zig fire!!"
The cross fox says, "And then Rhiannon's hoof came down on it firmly, and it disappeared."
You say in Lapin, "It melted the ice she was seapqicg on!"
The cross fox says, "But she had mastered fire, and felt its warmth, and she took it all over the island."
The cross fox says, "Of course, this is well-known to all of us today, but as I said, this was a very long time ago..."
"Arachnis" waves.
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "The ice around xer mylted in rwe face of dhe ftacys and as she stompted it out, she knew that she had"
"Arachnis" points.
Eyes appears from the trees.
The cross fox says, "And what she showed the critters amazed them, and she told them it was her gift to them."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "mastered the art of making fire. She was among the first, as this was a long, long time ago."
The cross fox says, "Rhiannon's gift, fire, because she wished them to be warm and merry, and their clothes dry..."
You say in Lapin, "She explained how to make wiry to all the critters"
You say in Lapin, "Its, uhh, sfruad tqrougout the lands"
The cross fox says, "And their spirits high, all through the winter. And they welcomed her, and practiced..."
The cross fox says, "...her gift, and she coursed from town to town all day and night until she had spread it to all."
You say in Lapin, "She sdryod it, uh, to everyone"
The cross fox says, "That day was the 25th of Windwhisper. And the critters practiced her gift and were grateful."
You say in Lapin, "town to town"
The cross fox says, "They showered her with gifts of their own, all that they could offer. Gems, special clothing..."
You say in Lapin, "On the 25th-- of Windwhisper"
You say in Lapin, "The critters gave her gifts back"
The cross fox says, "...tailored to her body, stories of their lives, and most importantly to Rhiannon..."
You say in Lapin, "Gems, clothes, food.."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "yll alone the 25th day of Windwhisper, she taught critters to summon the blaze"
The cross fox says, "Companionship. And festivity, which was what she treasured most."
You say in Lapin, "Storiay!"
You say in Lapin, "Rhiannan was so happy to party!"
The cross fox says, "And from then on, the winters became warm and active and full of chatter and delight."
The cross fox says, "And the people of Kalris celebrated that day as Rhiannovas, the twenty-fifth day of Windwhisper."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "For the gems and gifts they decorated hez body with paled in comparison to their lompanoonsbih"
The cross fox says, "That is the day when we gather and honor Rhiannon by giving each other gifts. Time permitting."
You say in Lapin, "So, uh, we celebroxe every year... now!"
The cross fox says, "Of course, her act did not pass unnoticed. The dragons took heed of the fires springing up..."
You say in Lapin, "The dragons noticed though..."
The cross fox says, "...throughout the land. They gathered in the highest mountains for a meeting."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "But of course, the smoke op flames rose high... high enough for the bcobons to see."
You say in Lapin, "They called a drogyz meeting"
The cross fox says, "Dharasi was furious. He had emerged to see the island dotted with blazes and giving off smoke."
You say in Lapin, "All the dragons were on the mountain"
You say in Lapin, "Dhamapii was super mad"
The cross fox says, "And he had gone home and found his library turned over. So he had gone to Elyenne and Velyra"
Song says in Lapin, "...seems like a jerk."
You say in Lapin, "Sspecuallz since the unicorn muzlek up his lubgary"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Dharasi was infuriated seeing flaeye dotting the world, knowing they came from his now"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "munxyey library"
The cross fox says, "and asked them to find the perpetrator, and Elyenne had researched it and uncovered Rhiannon."
The cross fox says, "So Dharasi had hunted her down and demanded of her personally..."
You say in Lapin, "Elyenui was the one who found out it was Rhiannaay"
You say in Lapin, "And Dharais, err, hunted her down to yell at her"
The cross fox says, " know how she had learned of the secret of fire. She was defiant and stood her ground."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And so, he sougat to find who did this, to hunt them down, and demand to know how she learnt it"
You say in Lapin, "He jase couldn't, uhh, believe-- she had done this"
The cross fox says, "And she told him that a badger had told her of it, and that it needed to be shared."
You say in Lapin, "Rhainnaq blamed the badger"
The cross fox says, "But Velyra could see right through such a ruse, and she unraveled Morothi's deception."
You say in Lapin, "Lelyra could tell this was a lie"
The cross fox says, "For it was he that had spurred Rhiannon to seek out the fire."
Song says in Lapin, "Oh...."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Or rather, said the badger told her ey his rest and warmth and knew it had to be shared"
The cross fox says, "And it was he that had guided her to Dharasi's home, knowing he would be at his least aware."
You say in Lapin, "Mojotdu said it was his idea al along?"
The cross fox says, "All this was revealed at the meeting, in front of all the gods."
The cross fox says, "And Dharasi raged and swore and he breathed fire terrible at the meeting, threatening Morothi"
The cross fox says, "And his ire was so fearsome that the onyx dragon fled, and disappeared into hiding."
You say in Lapin, "Yes. It was Morohi's idea all along!"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Every god was there to ditgess as tae fruth wes unveiled"
You say in Lapin, "Dharsi wyg ynuery at hit "
The cross fox says, "It was the first time that Morothi had played a truly clever and nasty trick on Dharasi."
The cross fox says, "And from that day on they were rivals, and have been ever since."
You say in Lapin, "The dragons were going to fight but Morothi waa too quick for him"
You say in Lapin, "Hy, um, went into hiding"
The cross fox says, "And from that day on Morothi was a fugitive, and he has been ever since..."
You say in Lapin, "Thoy became rivals foreved"
The cross fox says, "Skulking and lurking and playing his tricks from the safety of the shadows."
You say in Lapin, "Morothi always soes his tricks from the shadows"
The cross fox says, "For Dharasi would not forgive him if he caught him, not even with Althas's counsel."
You say in Lapin, "Dharasi never forgave, uhh, him"
The cross fox says, "And no one wished to punish Rhiannon, who had done good for all of Kalris."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "but frut the shadows, he still plays his tricks, far from where Dhywasu would see"
The cross fox says, "Or the critters, who were happy, least of all Velyra, who could now teach them to cook and brew."
You say in Lapin, "Kxanlfufly nobody, uhh, punished the unicorn"
The cross fox says, "But everyone could agree that it was Morothi's fault."
You say in Lapin, "Velyra was hapav to teach cvryone to cook!"
The cross fox says, "And so, they never saw him again, save for those times when they gathered together..."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "And so the blame fell upon Morothi"
The cross fox says, "And gave him their word that they would not come to blows."
You say in Lapin, "It was Eorotqi's fault so nobody got in trouble"
The cross fox says, "This was known among the gods as the parlay, and it allowed them to continue being friends."
You say in Lapin, "Thy gods call this, uh, parlay"
The cross fox says, "Even Dharasi respected it. When they gathered to talk, the peace would not be broken."
Song says out of character, "(oh that's a neat detail?)"
You say in Lapin, "everyone can still be friends"
Song nods
The cross fox says, "For all had agreed to it before they came to meet."
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "Despite this, by a promise to naber harm ona anoteux, most could still remain friends"
You say in Lapin, "They have safe peace talks"
The cross fox says, "If a dragon grew too angry at another, they could leave. But they could never break the parlay."
The cross fox says, "But, if they should ever meet *without* Morothi's parlay... then they would do as they willed."
You say in Lapin, "None of the dragons will every betray the parlay"
The patterned squirrel breaks their gaze only to nod.
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "and evin Dharasi ruspucted this peace."
The cross fox says, "That is the story of Rhiannovas."
You say in Lapin, "The end!!"
Kitami starts to clap.
The patterned squirrel claps.
"Arsene?" claps along
"Arachnis" joins with a smile.
Dove claps
The ermine weasel claps as well.
Song cheers
Virra claps and cheers
The cross fox says, "There are some variations on it... but that version is my favorite."
Rosaceae claps!
Filaris also applauds.
The brown marten applauds.
"Valens" joins in, clapping
"Twister?" nodded seeming to be lost in thought
Song starts clapping, very awkwardly
The cross fox gives a few nods, smiling.
The patterned squirrel says, "A wonderful telling of it."
Harris blinks and then tings his spell anchors together like a bell
The ermine weasel says, "Bebap!"
The sandy rabbit says in Lapin, "There are variations of the story, of course"
Sasha claps after seeing everyone else clap.
Soli claps.
You say out of character, "(AND I BRB)"
Molly says, "I liked it!"
"Riley" blinks politely.
Kitami says, "That was a great rendition. Marrow, was it?"
The cross fox says in Vulpic, "Ry arzeaa imfeok a fuwqayyfydfbavqyl."
The cross fox gives a dip of the head, drawing cloak closer, and steps away.
London claps lightly.
Song giggles
The silver fox nods.
"Arsene?" slowly gets up
Dove says, "what a story!"
Rutele taps her tail on the ground to join in
"Arachnis" chuckles a bit.
The patterned rabbit says, "Quite."
Virra says, "were you translating it for then Uso? Did Sasha like it too?"
"Arachnis" says, "Well done, Marrow!"
"Arsene?" stretches his arms out
Vica briefly claps as well.
Sessha claps as well
The patterned squirrel says, "Thank you Song."
The patterned squirrel tilts their head.
The patterned squirrel says, "What was the order I said again? Patrons next, correct?"
Sasha says out of character, "(brb)"
The silver fox says, "Ah. Was not doing word for word, un fortunately."
The brown marten says, "Sounds right."
Kitami says, "I think so."
Song says in Lapin, "What's this about?"
"Arachnis" says, "Ah... I've forgotten."
Molly says, "Beats me!"
Sessha says, "Neither was Harris!"
"Riley" says, "Y-you did say patrons next."
Song says in Lapin, "Heya Pith."
Virra says, "Yeah but still! The core of the story stays the same"
Sessha says, "But all the translations were great!"
Pith says in Lapin, "..Eya."
Sessha waves to Krajok
The patterned squirrel says, "Right we're gonna says that's what I decided anyway because half of them will scurry"
The patterned squirrel says, "off once they get their gifts."
The silver fox says, "Is true. Will maybe retell for Sasha later."
"Arachnis" snorts.
Krajok waves back.
Kitami says, "Silly."
Sessha says, "They just finished telling the story of Rhiannovas!"
Virra says, "Maybe"
The ermine weasel says, "Bebo."
Dove chuckles
Eyes appears mildly confused, having joined late.
Sessha says, "We're gonna pick patrons next"
"Arachnis" says, "Ah, Lowe!"
"Twister?" gives eyes a look and shrugs
"Lowe?" says, "Heya fellas."
Krajok says, "Oh? Is there an event here? I just followed some strange yellow sigils on the ground..."
Harris drops his spell anchor in the sand and distractedly is dusting it off
The sandy rabbit says, "Picking... Patrons?"
Someone says in Vulpic, "Nym eae gasazsas?"
"Arachnis" says, "Marrow just finished the story."
"Valens" waves to Lowe
Song says in Lapin, "Hi Lowe."
Sessha says, "Yes...there's free food! And presents afterward"
"Riley" says, "...h-here..!"
The sandy rabbit says, "I'm unfamiliar with that part of the tradition..."
You say in Lapin, "O..oh!"
Someone says in Vulpic, "Nac."
"Lowe?" says, "Thank you!"
Song giggles
You say in Lapin, "'pe going to pick our patrons now!!"


Second telling! This was Harris' attempt to tell the story to Tansy from memory on 1/12.

You say, "OH- r..right! D..did anyone ever tell you the Rhiannovas story yet..?"
Tansy says, "Ah, I don't think so..."
You say, "Would you like to hear it now? I'll do my best."
Tansy nodnods!
Tansy says, "Oh- could we head to the library for it, though?"
Harris smiles and hums
Tansy says, "I'd like to sit by the crystal for a bit."
You say, "That'd be fine by me, maybe others will want to hear it too."
Tansy nods!
Tansy points at the scrounging spot.
You point at the scrounging spot.
You say, "ah, s..sorry, this roots a bit deeper than I thought!"
You say, "got it"
Tansy nods.
You say, "Lets see..."
You say, "So first of all, Rhiannovas celebrates a minor god.. uhm a demigod, named Rhiannanon."
You say, "This is the story of how she stole the secret of fire for all the critters of the land."
Harris clears his throat a bit
You say, "It was a cold and snowy day in winter... Silvanus cloaked a fresh cover of snows."
You say, "Rhiannan, was not so deterred, as she was excited to find critters to play with"
You say, "Rhiannan was also a mysthical creature.. a unicorn!"
Tansy's tail swishes.
You say, "She is a beasthe with cloven hoofs, a swishy tail, and a long sharp horn on her head!"
You say, "A..anyway, she was always playful and a bit of a trickster, so while tromping through the snow "
You say, "for a while was fun..."
You say, "Soon she noticed there were now critters about anywhere!"
You say, "The first critter she saw was in hours was a little mouse- and even she was scurrying off to a"
You say, "burrow!"
You say, "Rhiannan tromped over to meet this mouse"
Harris attempts a whinny
You say, "Where is everybody?? She asked!"
You say, "The little mouse just shivered and shook her head..."
You say, "I..It's too cold, everyones gone inside..."
You say, "Rhiannan huffed as the mouse went off too... she wished everyone could just play games and be"
You say, "happy"
Harris fidgets with his scarf some
You say, "Ah- she kept traveling to search for a solution.."
You say, "Next she met a badger..."
Tansy nods along, listening intently.
You say, "The badger told her much the same things... Critters are too cold.. they are huddled up in their"
You say, "homes..."
You say, "But I have heard tale Dharasi is sleeping..."
You say, "There may be secrets to his flame in his library..."
You say, "That's where I'll go then! He'll never even know I was there! Rhiannan declared and began galloping"
You say, "Her steps were swift and sure... faster than any critter.. even on the most treacherous of rock"
You say, "Eventually she found herself... in a place where the sands glowed"
You say, "This was Dharasi's domain"
You say, "And indeed, deep in his slumber... buried in the sands.. He had no idea the unicorn was there."
You say, "oh- uhm- and I think the sand was really warm too"
You say, "s..something like that.."
Harris coughs a bit
You say, "A..anyway- uhm..!"
You say, "Dharasi had a great library..."
You say, "And he took great pride in it.. Rhiannan was in awe."
You say, "Ultimately, she had a mission though- so she tore through the books- er"
You say, "n..not literally"
You say, "but certainly making a mess all the same!"
You say, "Any book that didn't have the secret- she quickly put to the side.. not caring too much about order"
You say, "but eventually she found it..!"
You say, "And so she left in such a gleeful hurry... she didn't even clean up!"
You say, "When she returned to the town, she started telling as many critters the secrets of fire as she could.."
You say, "The very first firestarters..!"
You say, "The critters all spread the knowllege too, warm and merry... They could finally tell their stories "
You say, "and play gaes..!"
You say out of character, "(*games)"
You say, "Unfortunately.. Soon Dharasi woke up.. and the state of his library was quite the shock!"
You say, "He was so angry at whoever had done this..."
You say, "And he could not understand for the life of him where all these fires had come from all of a "
You say, "Sudden.. he knew someone must have stolen his secret..!"
You say, "Eventually he came to confront Rhiannan..."
You say, "But the little mouse stepped out from the shadows..."
You say, "It was me the whole time..."
You say, "The mouse changed into the badger..."
You say, "And then.. Morothi!"
Tansy GASPS a dramatic GASP.
You say, "I'm the one who planned this... To steal from your library!"
You say, "And this trick, was also so Rhiannan, who was so beloved, would not be blamed."
You say, "But this is what started Morothi and Dharasi' fierce rivalry...!"
You say, "The two dragons fought and Mortothi went into hiding..."
You say, "But eventually, this would lead to uhm, establish parley.. places of peace where even dragons "
You say, "would be able to set aside differences and speak peacefully."
You say, "And all the while, other gods agreed this was for the best.. as uhm.."
You say, "All the while, Rhiannaon kept spreading the secrets of fire.. through the whole region of Kalris"
You say, "Velyra was grateful, as critters could learn to cook... and even Dharasi was glad uhm for the smiths"
You say, "if only so warriors could help him chase Morothi once again"
You say, "All the critters were grateful to Rhiannaon though.. they started giving her gifts"
You say, "And so now every Rhiannovas, this is why we keep up giving gifts to eachother too!"
You say, "The.. end!"
Tansy nods, clapping her paws lightly together.
Harris smiles
You say, "I..I might have missed a few details from the way Gauis told it.. but I think that was all the important"
You say, "bits!"
Tansy says, "Rhiannon sounds cool..."
Harris smiles and nods
Tansy yawns, rubbing her eyes with a paw.
You say, "I..I'd love to see a real unicorn some day!"
Tansy says, "Me, too... and a dragon."
You say, "ah- oh y..yes!"
Tansy says, "...I'd like to meet Cerridwen. Supposedly, out of all the dragons, she'd be the most likely of them that"
Tansy says, "you could run into."
You say, "Oh wow.. I didn't know that!"