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I didn't see a similar thread and figured it'd be useful to have this centralized somewhere, my own suggestions probably don't make up a whole thread so I invite any others to add their own.

This is non-exhaustive and some suggestions may already be implemented or planned to be implemented with the new engine, others may not be implemented just because they conflict with the game's intended design, I just wanted somewhere to put them all down because all these qud/immersive sim/point and click game influences make me miss some features here and there

  • Inventory sorting: a>z, z>a, heaviest>lightest are the ones I figure would be able to be added immediately, categories (equipment, food, books etc) could be useful, but the current size of inventories makes me think you're not really meant to be carrying a ton of different things.
  • Verbose action logging: "you mine a pebble", "you attempt to mine", etc etc. Not sure where this would go, since the bottom pop-ups are infrequent, maybe the chat log?
  • Persistent status effect text: there's room in the stats page for this, simple, "bleeding", "wet", "overencumbered", etc. Ways to immediately and persistently know why your character may be acting in a way that isn't baseline.
  • Stat modifiers: within the stats page, when wearing a stat-modifying item or under a stat-modifying... status, indicate this in some way, for example "STRENGTH | 7 (+3)" where +3 is the total modification, with (+-0) not being shown.
  • Identifying world objects: Right-click "look" at a world tile to get a name for it, useful for new players etc. Specific knowledge could be tied to skills i.e. only be told a rock is a certain ore when the character has a certain skill in mining.
  • While inspecting a character, show the name of items they're holding/wearing on hover.
  • Some text describing a fire crystal's current light output, when inspecting it.
This post was made by a character that has since been deleted.

Fire crystals' light output is shown in the sprite. The brighter the crystal, the more light it outputs. Also, flasks have the cap off if they are empty (though since it's just off to the side it can be difficult to notice).

This post was made by a character that has since been deleted.
This post was made by a character that has since been deleted.
This post was made by a character that has since been deleted.
GM Ethos

We intend to add animations for campfires, and when we do we will probably have fuel stages for them.

This post was made by a character that has since been deleted.
Olive Pit

Some sort of highlight or asterisk placed by a skill when it is ready to be increased could be very helpful for those who go some time between increases of their seccondary skills that they may not use that much.


Now that lamps can be locked to a burrow entrance, a way to charge lamps without picking them up would be appreciated

Olive Pit

Idea of Ryan Prior on Discord: to avoid having things stolen -too- easily:

Perhaps a class of heavy items (like metal fire rings, rugs, barrels?) could be staked down anywhere, such that locking them takes time (10 minutes? less time if many critters help?) and unlocking them takes a similar amount of time. Easy enough to steal, but there's a chance (depending on traffic) that somebody happens by and notices you pulling the thing up. And casual drive-by boosting would be much discouraged.

-this would allow public installments of art for the community-

GM Ethos

Surely if the owner wants their lamps charged they can unlock them for you


Even so, picking them up does feel a bit clunky vs right clicking and charging. In my opinion.

Picking up a whole lamp to charge it...

GM Ethos

That's just the way the code works atm, you charge things from your inventory. Plus, you will be able to shatter lamps in the future, so I don't think it's a good idea to let people go around charging locked ones.


Mail options:

Mailslot: an in-burrow placement (could be a counter-style or door-style option) which takes objects placed on it and moves them to the tile on the opposite side. This would be useful for dropping off donations, payments, etc while the owner isn't there to receive them.

Dropslot: An object to be placed just outside a burrow, or maybe a modification to the door, that allows items to be dropped into a designated spot while the door is closed. One way only. Again, for leaving something for a character to find in a secure place, while they're away and the door is locked.