Oh, if the intent's to have them shatter then I can see that.
Bandit trap item: covers 4x4 area, when entering target is rooted for 1 sec. This gives the bandit enough time to initiate RP and make demands and allows very fast characters to be paused so they can see what is otherwise a blur of background foliage.
Trait Idea:
Outdoorsman (Yes I realize it says man but im just thinking the zomboid trait now)
Less effect from rain or other weather effects.
SOME people have trouble getting clothes, and it could be nice to have a trait that allows more slot flexibility, or poor characters to function better under the rain.
I think it would be fun to run a raffle in-character. The details could work like this: you craft raffle tickets from a piece of paper, which requires writing skill. (and a dagger to cut the paper?) You get a bunch of pairs of tickets, where each pair has a unique number on it. You can drag tickets to a bowl, which then becomes a "Bowl of Tickets" - and when you pull a ticket from the bowl you get a random one and everybody nearby gets a message about what number you pulled.
Inventory QOL:
-a way to quickly drop all of a stack onto a counter, rather than the default "how many?" pop-up. Maybe ctrl+click/drag, or something?
-probably much more involved to do: a way to select multiple stacks in your inventory and move them all at once
-sort options for inventory, e.g. by "recently used/picked up," "category" (food/equipment/material, for example), "weight"
-user-defined nickname or tag for items/stacks in inventory. (For example, if I have 3 pieces of paper with stuff written, but they're all different, a way to tell them apart at a glance. Could also be good for differently-branded coins, etc) I imagine this being visible only to the one who defined it, again as QOL not as a gameplay mechanic or roleplay device
I need these things for my ideal beach picnic:
Let's go! We can do this!
you get a random one and everybody nearby gets a message about what number you pulled.
I think it'd be interesting to have more actions be explicit to others, while we're at this. As it stands there's nothing that keeps a character from cutting five quartz for you and giving you five cloudy quartz they had in storage, while keeping the rarer ones, for example.
Obviously this is solved in Farwoods by either having a trusted gemcutter, or doing it yourself. But I think there's a discussion to be had about how verbose the game should be, considering how verbose similar games (and not-so-similar ones, like pure text MUSH games) are.
p.s. for the benefit of all of us, please don't post joke requests in the thread.
I echo your interest in more accessible narration about what's going on in the world, when critters are crafting and casting and so on. The amount of activity could definitely overwhelm the chat box, so enhancements there would be welcome: for example, show messages only pertaining to one critter, or to chats in some language. Would make it much easier to remember "what did Twyrine say in Lapin two minutes ago?" when there's been a bunch of chatter since then.
p.s. none of my suggestions have been jokes.
In place of quartz shades, why not wooden goggles like inuit/yupik snow goggles?
"As it stands there's nothing that keeps a character from cutting five quartz for you and giving you five cloudy quartz they had in storage, while keeping the rarer ones, for example."
There sure isn't! :)
Skill mouse-over effects:
Would be nice if when you mouse over a skill in your learned skills tab, it would give you the blurb from when you look at a book on it. Or maybe a shortened version of it. For example, knowing all (or nearly all) the languages, it's hard to remember which one's which since they don't all fit in the hotbar to see the icons.
Maker's mark and/or descriptions on crafted items:
Would be neat if there were a way to customize a piece in some way. Just a stamp marking who made it would be cool and facilitate some roleplay, but even better would be a short text box where we might describe the style a piece is made in, some detail about it, etc. A stool might just be a stool, but maybe one carpenter crafts with burled, knotted wood for an earthy feel while another shaves and polishes the wood to a smooth, shiny finish. Maybe a book is stamped as a first edition original, or a flask etched with the Dodged Bullet logo.
Tea pots! Being able to put a tin pot by the fire with tea already made to warm (so no cooking required). Have just made tea and warmed tea use the same steam effect. Cutting bread with a dagger to make slices of bread. Put some berries on top, or toast it by a fire for a lovely snack!
When I'm typing a chat message or emote, sometimes I want to delete a few words, or just start-over entirely. I know that full text-editing is coming eventually, but in the mean time these two features could improve the experience quite a lot:
Seat cushions would be a neat way to spice up stools. Maybe need like 1 or 2 cloth and 10 feathers or something, give those feathers another thing to do. Maybe it improves comfort and buffs the stool effect, but even if it's just visual I think it's be neat. Let them be dyed so you have more color options to change the aesthetic of a room.
Similarly, tablecloths?