


The maximum level for a skill is 50, which is considered "mastery" of a skill (though your actual competence is still dependent on your stats). A character's native language begins with a skill level of 100 (unless they take the Orphan trait), making it borderline impossible for them not to be fluent in it. The first ten levels in a skill cost one skill point each, then two for the next ten levels, and so on.

Strength Prowess Fortitude Dexterity Perception Intelligence Craft Luck Magic
Armorsmithing Archery Iron Fur Climbing Archaeology Archaeology Cooking Dodge Artificing
Axes Daggers Iron Will Flinging Detection Artificing Disguise Herbalism Black Magic
Bash Disarm Quills Parrying Thumping Brewing Forest Craft Mining Blue Magic
Blacksmithing Kicking Running Paw Fighting Tracking Erinaic Gemcutting Scrounging Crystal Magic
Fossorial Charge Paw Mastery Struggle Sprinting Gardening Hiding Gray Magic
Hammers Perseverance Tenacity Herbalism Impersonation Green Magic
Iron Paw Polearms Lapin Mining Orange Magic
Perseverance Shield Use Lutrini Pestling Purple Magic
Swords Tail Sweep Martic Pickpocketing Red Magic
Tail Slap Medicine Resourcefulness Spell Resistance
Two-Handed Swords Mellic Skullduggery White Magic
Weaponsmithing Mephis Struggle Yellow Magic
Murian Tailoring
Nivalis Viciousness
Papercraft Wood Armory
Procyese Woodworking

Stat: Intelligence and Perception

Not yet implemented. An active skill which is used to identify advanced technology left behind by the Empire and determine its purpose, allowing the use of items that cannot be crafted, only scavenged from the ruins of the Empire.


Stat: Prowess

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with bows.


Stat: Strength
Prerequisite: Blacksmithing 10

A crafting skill that can be used to make protective armor from various types of metal. The crafter's skill level, as well as the quality of their hammer and anvil, heavily influence the quality of the crafted equipment.


Stat: Magic and Intelligence

A crafting skill that creates magic-infused items. Artificers use magic, but not to cast spells; instead, they fuse naturally magically-receptive materials together into new forms.


Stat: Strength

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with axes.


Stat: Strength

A combat skill performed with a double-fisted overhead strike on the opponent. It stuns the target, and may also knock them down if successful enough.

Black Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to inflict long-lasting curses on other characters, which can persist for hours to days.


Stat: Strength

A crafting skill that can be used to make various metal trinkets, and tools used for smithing like hammers and anvils.

Blue Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to communicate over long distances and pierce untruths.


Stat: Intelligence

A crafting skill which can turn the food collected by scroungers into drinks that are more thirst-quenching than water. If brewed drinks are used to top off a character's thirst meter, they can keep them sated for a considerable amount of time afterwards, eliminating the concern of thirst for a while. Some of them even come with beneficial effects.


Stat: Dexterity

A movement skill used to successfully climb obstacles, primarily trees. All characters can climb, but taking levels in Climbing will make it more likely they are successful, and thereby less likely to fall and hurt themselves. Climbing into the treetops can be done by interacting with a tree, and characters can thereafter move freely across them with the normal movement keys.


Stat: Craft

A crafting skill which can turn the food collected by scroungers into proper meals that are more filling than their ingredients alone. If cooked food is used to top off a character's hunger meter, it can keep them sated for a considerable amount of time afterwards, eliminating the concern of hunger for a while.

Crystal Magic

Stat: Magic

A passive skill which reduces the likelihood that crystals will be destroyed when a mage fails to channel, charge, or use them.


Stat: Prowess

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with daggers.


Stat: Perception

A passive skill that improves a character's chances of spotting stealthy actions. This includes seeing hidden characters, noticing disguises and impersonation, and catching people who attempt to pickpocket the character.


Stat: Prowess

A combat skill which knocks an opponent's weapon to the floor, leaving them vulnerable and giving you the opportunity to snatch it.


Stat: Craft

An active skill that can be used to change the race that you appear as to other players, though characters with high Detection (or sufficiently lucky with untrained Perception) may be able to see through it.


Stat: Luck

A combat skill that allows the character to completely evade an attack that would otherwise hit, negating it entirely.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Hedgehogs.


Stat: Dexterity

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with small, flung objects like pebbles and acorns.

Forest Craft

Stat: Craft

A crafting skill used to make useful, everyday objects, as well as refine raw materials into more processed ones that crafters have use for.

Fossorial Charge

Stat: Strength

The racial combat skill of Badgers. When used, the character will run ahead in a straight line, losing control of their character until they hit something or stop. If they hit a critter, that critter may be damaged and knocked down. If the badger hits something solid that isn't a person, they will be knocked down instead.


Stat: Intelligence

A crafting skill that allows food and herbs to be turned into seeds, which can then be planted by the character. After a certain amount of time, the planted seeds will blossom and can be harvested, allowing a measure of self-sufficiency.


Stat: Craft

A crafting skill that turns rough gems and crystals found through Mining and Stoneworking into usable items, and allows gems to be attached to jewelry created by smiths, providing stat bonuses to characters who wear them.

Gray Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to store Mind for later use, extend the duration of effects, and ward areas against magic.

Green Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to enhance ordinary objects and make them more useful, as well as repair equipment.


Stat: Strength

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with hammers.


Stat: Luck and Intelligence

A crafting skill used to scrounge herbs from the world. Unlike normal scrounging, critters need to know precisely what they are looking for to find useful herbs, so they must be trained in Herbalism to recognize them.


Stat: Craft

An active skill that hides the character from the sight of other players. Characters will move invisibly to everyone who does not spot them through Detection, and will not block other characters from moving through them, but other characters will still block their way. Hiding in plain sight is not a good idea; the skill is best used to sneak by other critters, not stand right under their nose.


Stat: Craft

An active skill that changes the character's name as displayed to other players, though characters with high Detection (or sufficiently lucky with untrained Perception) may be able to see through it.

Iron Fur

Stat: Fortitude
Prerequisite: Paw Fighting 10

A passive skill that can deal extra durability damage to an opponent's weapon when they hit the character with an attack that deals damage.

Iron Paw

Stat: Strength
Prerequisite: Paw Fighting 10

A weapon skill that increases the damage a character deals with their bare paws.

Iron Will

Stat: Fortitude

A passive skill which raises a character's Health by one point for each level in the skill.


Stat: Prowess

A combat skill performed by thrusting one hindleg squarely into an opponent. It deals a small amount of damage, and if the damage is high enough, may also stun them for a short time.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Rabbits.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Otters.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Martens.


Stat: Intelligence

A crafting skill that allows a character to add herbs to food and drink while they are being made, as well as adding pestled herbs to food and drink that's already been cooked, bestowing them with beneficial effects. It also allows critters to identify medicinal herbs and tell them apart from poisonous ones.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Badgers.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Skunks.


Stat: Luck and Craft

A crafting skill used to scrounge ores from rocks in the world. Despite what the name implies, and the skill's action bar icon, mining does not involve any tools. Critters do not mine the rocks in the world; they search the area around the rocks and find small chunks of them loose enough to pry free, much like ordinary scrounging, but critters need to know exactly what they are looking for in order to find anything useful. Different types of ore are found in different types of rock, and some are much harder to mine than others.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Mice.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Weasels.

Orange Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to harness the elements to do combat.


Stat: Intelligence

A crafting skill which encompasses papermaking, book-binding, scribing, and other papercrafts. They can craft skill books for any skill they have learned, up to the latest tier they have fully completed. They can craft skill books by transcribing other people's skills, as well, allowing characters without the Papercraft skill to use their skills to make skill books.


Stat: Dexterity

A passive skill which gives the character a chance to deflect an attack that would otherwise hit. Parrying can be done without a weapon, but a weapon is required to completely negate the damage. It is more difficult to parry than block with a shield.

Paw Fighting

Stat: Dexterity

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with the character's bare paws.

Paw Mastery

Stat: Prowess
Prerequisite: Paw Fighting 10

A weapon skill that allows a character attacking with their bare paws to attack more swiftly than would otherwise be possible.


Stat: Strength and Prowess

A passive skill which raises a character's Stamina by one point for each level in the skill.


Stat: Craft

A crafting skill that allows herbs to be ground down into a more potent form, for use with Medicine and Skullduggery. It's also useful for crafting dyes and other resources.


Stat: Craft

An active skill that allows the character to pilfer random items from the inventories of other critters. The character being pickpocketed may be alerted if the pickpocket fails or is detected.


Stat: Prowess

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with staves and spears.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Raccoons.

Purple Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to improve movement speed and cast teleportation spells.


Stat: Fortitude

The racial skill of Hedgehogs. This passive skill has a chance to damage an opponent in combat if they hit the character. This damage cannot be mitigated by dodging, parrying, blocking, or armor.

Red Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to enhance and enchant weapons, making them easier to use and deadlier.


Stat: Intelligence and Craft

A passive skill which raises a character's Mind by one point for each level in the skill.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Rats.


Stat: Fortitude

A movement skill that reduces Stamina use while running. Each time that stamina would be consumed by running, this skill has a chance to make it free instead, allowing critters to run for considerably longer, or even essentially for free.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Squirrels.


Stat: Luck

A crafting skill used to gather resources, and one of the most important skills in the game. Every character is able to scrounge, but taking levels in Scrounging will make them better at it. Scrounging is also influenced by one's surroundings.

Shield Use

Stat: Prowess

A passive skill which gives the character a chance to block an attack that would otherwise hit if a shield is being held. Shields are considered armor, though their percentage chance to block damage is based on the Shield Use skill rather than a static percentage. If the damage of an attack exceeds the shield's DR, it will crush through the block and deal the remainder.


Stat: Craft

A crafting skill that allows a character to add herbs to food and drink while they are being made, as well as adding pestled herbs to food and drink that's already been cooked, bestowing them with negative effects. It also allows critters to identify poisonous herbs and tell them apart from medicinal ones.

Spell Resistance

Stat: Magic

A passive skill which negates harmful spells, such as those used by Black and Orange Magic, when they are cast on the character.


Stat: Dexterity

A movement skill that increases movement speed while running. At intervals while running, the character has a chance to trigger a "burst of speed" and break into a sprint. This will increase their speed considerably until the next time it is checked, though it will take the same amount of Stamina to run the same distance.


Stat: Intelligence

A crafting skill that can be used to fireset rock chunks and break them open for the valuable materials inside, as well as making low-grade stone tools.


Stat: Craft and Fortitude

A passive skill that makes you harder to loot. It increases how much stamina it costs to loot you and decreases how likely your assailant is to get anything off you.


Stat: Strength

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with swords.

Tail Slap

Stat: Strength

A combat skill performed by raising the tail and bringing it around to smack the opponent hard across the torso or head. It is usable by all races except for Badgers, Hedgehogs, and Rabbits. Of the remainder, only Weasels, Mice, Otters, and Rats can use it without a penalty. If used successfully, the target will take damage and be stunned for some time.

Tail Sweep

Stat: Prowess

A combat skill performed with a swift, firm ankle-level sweep of the tail. It is usable by all races except for Badgers, Hedgehogs, and Rabbits. Of the remainder, only Weasels, Mice, Otters, and Rats can use it without a penalty. If used successfully, the target will be knocked down for some time.


Stat: Craft

A crafting skill which turns tanglecloth, made from tangle blossoms, into various types of clothing. This includes backpacks which can raise a character's carrying capacity. Clothing is necessary to avoid being slowed down by cold weather.


Stat: Fortitude

A combat skill which, if the character would take damage reducing their Health to zero, instead reduces it to one. The remaining damage is subtracted from the character's Stamina instead. If they don't have enough stamina to absorb the blow, the skill does not work.


Stat: Perception

A code language that is performed by tapping one's paws or tail against the ground. Only those with levels in the Thumping skill will be aware that anything is being said at all. This is somewhat similar to sign language, including in that it can be spoken by mute characters, but it's also a secret language.


Stat: Perception

An active skill that reveals the scent trails of characters who have passed through an area, and how long ago. They can be followed to their source, or you can remember a character's scent to recognize them later.

Two-Handed Swords

Stat: Strength

A weapon skill that makes it easier to hit opponents with two-handed swords.


Stat: Craft

A combat skill focused on inflicting lasting wounds to one's opponent that impair their ability to fight. On a hit, if a critter does not already have an injury afflicting them, there is a chance to inflict one. An injury can restrict a character's vision, slow them down, or apply a penalty to their skills. The injuries can last from a few minutes to several hours of play.


Stat: Intelligence

The native language of Foxes.


Stat: Strength
Prerequisite: Blacksmithing 10

A crafting skill that can be used to make powerful weapons from various types of metal. The crafter's skill level, as well as the quality of their hammer and anvil, heavily influence the quality of the crafted equipment.

White Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to heal characters and cure them of negative afflictions.

Wood Armory

Stat: Craft
Prerequisite: Woodworking 10

A crafting skill that can be used to create wooden weapons and armor. They are easier to make than metal equipment, but not as powerful. The crafter's skill level heavily influences the quality of the crafted equipment.


Stat: Craft

A crafting skill that is primarily used for crafting furniture to be placed in the world and in burrows. It can also make some basic items, like cups, and wood handles that weaponsmiths use for crafting.

Yellow Magic

Stat: Magic
Prerequisite: Crystal Magic 10

An active skill that allows the user to alter the body, keeping characters fed and energized.

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